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Bogus Western Union notice leads to phishing

A fake Western Union notice is hitting inboxes around the world and scaring people into following the offered link to a phishing page. “Failure in updating your profile …

Facebook “Free Mobile Recharge” scam hijacks accounts

A phishing and survey scam rolled into one is currently targeting Facebook users and ends up hijacking their accounts and making it difficult for users to get them back, warns …

Fake browser plug-in “shares” Facebook scam

Facebook survey scams mostly follow the same pattern: they lure users in with offers of watching a funny/amazing/adult-themed video, directly ask them to “share” …

Rootkit masquerading as Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 keygen

Users who want to play the Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 game free of charge are in danger of getting duped and their computers compromised while looking for game cracks, warns …

Scammy “Pink Facebook” offer

You might be bored with Facebook’s standard blue look and ask yourself why the social network doesn’t allow for a change of color, but please don’t make the …

Easy ways to protect your privacy and data

In spite of one high profile computer security breach after another, many people are still not employing even the most basic safeguards to protect their privacy and their …

Google admits profiting from ads for illegal sites

You should know by now that the fact that Google is serving you an advertisement does not mean that it’s safe to click on it. Time and time again examples of malware …

Android Trojan masquerades as phone optimizer app

As you may already know, Android users are at a much bigger danger of getting saddled with a malicious app than users using other mobile platforms – especially those …

Zuckerberg giving away free iPads and iPhones?

You might be surprised at receiving what seems to be an email from Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, notifying you that you have been selected to receive both a free Apple iPhone …

DotA 2 and Diablo III beta testing crack files carry malware

Gamers are known for their impatience when it comes to trying out updates and new packs for popular games, and cyber crooks are always ready to take advantage of that. …

Scammy Facebook Timeline deactivation pages target users

As more and more Facebook users choose to try out the new Timeline view of their profiles, some are disappointed and want to revert back to the old view. Unfortunately for …

Good device and online safety behavior

With more devices in everyone’s hands after the holidays, children are sure to take their cues from parents and older siblings. Ultimately children will become frequent …

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