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Tax-themed spam email leads to malware

Cyber criminals are becoming increasingly adept at turning out legitimate-looking spam emails, making sometimes even more experience users fall for the various scams. SANS …

Pinterest users targeted with scams

Pinterest, the pinboard-styled social photo sharing website that got so popular even Mark Zuckerberg opened a profile to see what all the fuss was about, has also caught the …

$2.1 million stolen with clever social engineering

An unnamed fraudster managed to steal $2.1 million from a hospital chain’s Wells Fargo Bank escrow account by faxing a money transfer signed with a copied-and-pasted …

“Free iPad 3” scams popping up

As Apple announced an event taking place on March 7 and speculations of it being the formal presentation of the new version of the iPad flooded the Internet, scammers have …

Bogus “Scan from a HP OfficeJet” notifications lead to malware

Notifications about documents purportedly having been scanned and sent via a HP OfficeJet printer/scanner are targeting users again and trying to trick them into opening the …

Identity fraud hits 11.6 million in the US

In 2011 identity fraud increased by 13 percent. More than 11.6 million adults became a victim of identity fraud in the United States, while the dollar amount stolen held …

Facebook scams racing against the clock

Facebook scammers have lately initiated a number of scams that use an unusual approach to make users “like” 70+ Facebook pages without even knowing what they are. …

Fake RIAA copyright violation notification serves malware

First spotted nearly a week ago, notifications of copyright violation supposedly sent by the Recording Industry Association of America are still hitting inboxes around the …

“Ex-girlfriend sex video” Facebook scam

Survey scammers love targeting Facebook users, because the social nature of the network makes sure that the scam will be propagated far and wide. The latest of these scams has …

Facebook Gold Membership Status scam hits users

A bizarre email purportedly sent by Facebook has been hitting inboxes around the world and trying to convince the recipients that they have been awarded a “100% Gold …

Cutwail botnet intensifies spam spewing

The old Cutwail botnet is still alive and spamming from its 1,5 million bots, and has lately been spotted using malicious HTML attachments. The spam emails vary from fake …

Ransomware impersonates the Italian police

Ransomware targeting Italian-speaking users is being served from compromised websites via malicious JavaScript code, warns Total Defense’s Rossano Ferraris. The users …

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