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Bogus “Your eBay funds are cleared” email leads to exploits

Following the email supposedly sent by an unsatisfied customer, eBay sellers are targeted by scammers once again. While the first email threatened with negative feedback, this …

Fake Lloyds TSB emails lead to phishing

An email supposedly coming from UK retail bank Lloyds TSB is doing rounds, trying to trick recipients into following the embedded link to a malicious page: The email claims …

British public unaware of cyber sporting scams

Watching this summer’s sporting escapades is something most of us will relish, but are we taking the right precautions to protect our electronic devices from the …

Email from disgruntled buyer leads to eBay phishing page

In these hard economic times, many have turned to eBay for selling things in order to earn a buck. But, in order to be trusted by buyers, the sellers depend on good ratings …

Tumblr and Twitter users targeted with oddball spam messages

A bizarre spam campaign touting free McDonalds gift cards has recently been spotted on compromised Tumblr and Twitter accounts: According to GFI, the link included in the spam …

Bogus Olympics ticket site spotted

If you’re looking to score tickets for Olympic events you should be extremely careful when buying them online, as fake ticket sites are still around. Take for example …

Android malware no longer just posing as Opera Mini

Malicious Android apps posing as the mobile Opera Mini browser or an update for it are nothing new, and they are usually malware that sends text messages to premium-rate …

Record number of phishing websites in the wild

The number of brands targeting by phishing attacks sustained an all-time high of 382 in February and March, while cybercrime gangs deployed a record number of phishing …

Fake Intuit emails lead to malware

Emails purportedly sent by US tax preparation software and services company Intuit and professional social network LinkedIn have been hitting inboxes in the last week, posing …

Pinterest starts blocking hacked accounts, investigates

Pinterest spam and scams are nothing new. Spammers usually use newly created accounts to do it, and Pinterest scam toolkits have surfaced to help them in their efforts. But it …

Bogus wire rejection notices lead to exploit kit

Fake notices about a rejected wire transfer have been hitting inboxes around the world, trying to trick recipients to download the attached malicious file, Sophos warns. The …

WoW players targeted with in-game phishing schemes

It should not be a surprise that when Blizzard announced closed beta testing for Mists of Pandaria – the fourth expansion pack for the massively popular World of …

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