Fake Facebook “Pages you might like” emails deliver malware
Fake Facebook emails urging users to review some Pages they might like are hitting inboxes around the world, warns ThreatTrack. Sporting “Hi [name], here are some Pages …
NetTraveler APT group is back, adds watering hole attacks to its arsenal
The “Red Star” APT group employing the NetTraveler malware family is still active, but has changed its modus operandi. Its targets remain the same: government …
Fraud and ATM attacks hit Germany hard
FICO released new data showing the high rate of card-not-present (CNP) fraud on Germany’s credit cards in 2012, showing that 70 percent of the 2012 fraud on …
Banking Trojans dominate malware in e-mail traffic
The percentage of spam in email traffic in July was up only 0.1 percentage points and averaged at 71.2 per cent, according to Kaspersky Lab. Malicious attachments were found …
Lucrative business: cybercrime-as-a-service
With news of the struggling high street becoming a regular occurrence, it is not surprising that increasingly small businesses are seeking opportunities online. However …
Firm found using browser plugins to inject unauthorized ads on YouTube
Sambreel, a California-based firm that nearly two years ago has been found using browser plugins to deliver ads by injecting them into Facebook and Google pages, is up to its …
Malicious ads lead to outdated adware-laden Firefox “update”
A series of Internet campaigns pushing bogus Firefox updates onto unwary users have been spotted by researchers, and among them is one that lures them in through “Green …
Beware of bogus Facebook account hack tool offer
If, for whatever reason, you wish to hack into someone else’s Facebook account, searching online for ways to do it will likely bring you grief. Take for example a …
Expect more Android security issues in 2013
Android vulnerabilities, increased online banking threats and availability of sophisticated, inexpensive malware toolkits are among the growing concerns cited in Trend …
Cybergangs alter infrastructure abuse techniques
Phishing attack frequency declined 20 percent from Q4 2012 to Q1 2013, due to a precipitous drop in virtual server phishing attacks. APWG statistics indicate that phishing …
How to spot and avoid SMS scams
2013 has been touted by Gartner as the year when mobile phones will overtake PCs as the most common Web access device worldwide. When you think about it, it’s logical, …
Spammers adapt and embrace popular themes
According to Kaspersky Lab, the percentage of spam in email traffic in June was up 1.4 percentage points and averaged at 71.1 per cent. Malicious attachments were found in 1.8 …