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Fake “Critical browser update” warnings lead to malware

If you have manually updated your browser in the last week or so, think back on how you did it. Did you look for the update yourself, or did you download one after being faced …

Fake AV served to Dailymotion visitors via malicious ads

The extremely popular video-sharing website Dailymotion ( has been found serving malicious ads that trigger fake infection warnings and try to make visitors …

“Unauthorized activity on your Amazon account” phishing email doing rounds

The pre-holiday online shopping frenzy has ended, but scam and phishing attempts continue unabated. The latest email spam campaign aiming for login credentials is one that …

WoW gamers targeted with trojanized Curse client

The DDoS attacks that temporarily took down Blizzard’s and Valve’s Steam online gaming services over the end of the year holidays have undoubtedly …

Fake Adobe “licence key delivery” emails carry malware

A clever malware distribution campaign is currently doing rounds, taking the form of emails purportedly delivering licence keys for a number of Adobe’s software …

Shady Android AV pushed onto unsuspecting users

A deceptive advertising campaign pushing a shady antivirus solution is actively targeting Android users, warns Malwarebytes’ Armando Orozco. The pop-ups are triggered …

Facebook users hit with phishing and malware combo attack

An interesting phishing / malware delivery campaign has been spotted targeting Facebook users. It all starts with a message from a Facebook friend, claiming that the user or …

Android malware places secret calls to premium rate numbers

A mobile malware family dubbed MouaBad by Lookout researchers has lately been plaguing Chinese users with older versions (3.1 and earlier) of Android. Variants of the malware …

Popular holiday-themed phishing attacks

The holidays are a busy time for everyone-¦ especially for hackers trying to phish your employees. Phishing is most effective when it exploits human emotions—fear, greed, …

Police arrests Chinese Bitcoin exchange owners suspected of fraud

Three individuals allegedly involved in the recent ransacking of the Hong Kong-based Global Bond Limited Bitcoin exchange have been arrested in China. According to a report by …

Free shopping voucher offer leads to phishing

Cybercriminals have been ramping up their efforts as the year draws to a close, and have initiated hundreds – if not thousands – email spam campaigns, trying every …

Legitimate apps bundled up with secret Bitcoin miner

As the value of Bitcoin continues to rise, a lot of people are trying to cash in on the craze. Some do it legally, by getting their own machines to perform the calculations …

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