How cybercriminals hack our brains
Cybercriminals are increasingly using persuasion techniques in order to manipulate employees to do things they normally wouldn’t, usually resulting in the loss of money …
Beware of fake Facebook “Copyright Violations” warnings
The latest Facebook-themed phishing messages doing rounds are trying to trick users into believing they are “making copyright violations” on their Facebook page. …
Vawtrack malware peddlers turn to malicious macros
Cybercriminals spreading new versions of the Vawtrak banking Trojan are the latest ones to use the once again popular macro-based attack. Popular in the early 2000s, this type …
Beware of fake Windows 10 “activators”
The considerable interest users have shown for testing Microsoft’s Windows 10 Technical Preview version has not passed unnoticed by cyber scammers and malware peddlers. …
Carbanak cyber gang stole hundreds of millions from banks
Since late 2013, an international cyber criminal group has been targeting banks around the world and has made off with $300 million – possibly even more – by …
Scammers pushing fake AdwCleaner in active scareware campaign
An active scareware campaign pushing a fake version of the popular freeware spyware removal tool AdwCleaner is targeting Windows users and is trying to get them to fork over …
Phishing attacks increasingly target financial data
28.8 percent of phishing attacks last year aimed to steal financial data from consumers, according to a new report by Kaspersky Lab. The results show how cybercriminals have …
Active spam campaign leads to sophisticated PayPal phishing sites
PayPal-themed phishing campaigns are nothing new, but they are more and more legitimate-looking as time goes by. Researchers with OpenDNS Labs have spotted one such campaign …
Corporate users hit with fake Microsoft email delivering sneaky malware
A well-crafted and extremely legit-looking spam email campaign is currently targeting corporate users around the world, ultimately leading the victims to difficult-to-detect …
Anthem members targeted with phishing emails and calls
It didn’t take long for scammers to attempt to take advantage of the Anthem data breach, as phishing messages impersonating credit monitoring services supposedly offered …
Gamers, beware of fake in-game communication apps
Online gamers are often targeted by cyber thieves, as their game accounts hold coveted items and/or funds to buy them. In order to gain access, the crooks usually set up …
Investigating online dating fraud
The one thing that online dating scammers have in common is that their preferred target demographic is vulnerable and trusting people with a limited social circle or support …