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Underserved populations unaware of cybersecurity risks

Members of underserved populations are less likely to know whether they have even been victimized by a cyber attack, and they have lower awareness of cybersecurity risks. …

Cost of telecommunications fraud estimated at €29 billion a year

As our society evolves, so does our reliance on telecommunications technology. Cybercriminals prey on our daily use of electronic devices and continuously seek out new ways to …

Latest tactics used by cybercriminals to bypass traditional email security

Cybercriminals are continuously using new strategies to get past email security gateways, with brand impersonation being used in 83 percent of spear-phishing attacks, while 1 …

Criminal groups promising salaries averaging $360,000 per year to accomplices

New research from Digital Shadows reveals that criminal groups are promising salaries averaging the equivalent of $360,000 per year to accomplices who can help them target …

Email authentication use growing steadily in every industry sector

U.S. federal government agencies and many major enterprises have made significant strides to thwart the spread of fake emails, a major cybersecurity attack vector. But many …

Employees report 23,000 phishing incidents annually, costing $4.3 million to investigate

Account takeover-based (ATO) attacks now comprise 20 percent of advanced email attacks, according to Agari’s Q1 2019 Email Fraud & Identity Deception Trends report. …

83% of global respondents experienced phishing attacks in 2018

Proofpoint analyzed data from tens of millions of simulated phishing attacks sent over a one-year period, along with nearly 15,000 cybersecurity professional survey responses, …

Microsoft remains the most impersonated brand, Netflix phishing spikes

Although Microsoft remains the top target for phishers, Netflix saw an incredible surge in Dec., making it the second most impersonated brand in Q4 2018, according to Vade …

BEC scams
BEC scammers add payroll diversion to their repertoire

All the attention the most typical BEC scams have been receiving in the last few years must have affected their effectiveness and forced scammers to come up with new ways for …

Cybercrime gangs continue to innovate to hide their crimes

According to the APWG’s new Phishing Activity Trends Report, after spiking in the spring, phishing has been taking place at a steady pace — but phishers are using new …

Half of management teams lack awareness about BPC despite increased attacks

Trend Micro revealed that 43 percent of surveyed organizations have been impacted by a Business Process Compromise (BPC). Despite a high incidence of these types of attacks, …

The holiday season and cybercrime: 8 ways to protect yourself

The holiday season has become an unbridled online spending extravaganza, and threat actors have taken notice. For shoppers, what starts out as an attempt to fulfill their …

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