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Kill Chain HBO
Review: Kill Chain: The Cyber War on America’s Elections

Kill Chain is an HBO documentary made and produced by Simon Arizzone, Russell Michaels and Sarah Teale. Kill Chain: Inside the documentary Arizzone and Michaels already worked …

Cybersecurity – Attack and Defense Strategies - Second Edition
Review: Cybersecurity – Attack and Defense Strategies

Yuri Diogenes, a professor at EC-Council University and Senior Program Manager at Microsoft, and Dr. Erdal Ozkaya, a prominent cybersecurity professional, advisor, author, …

Review: Specops Key Recovery

Mobile device use continues to grow, while an increasingly mobile and remote workforce depends heavily on laptops. To secure those devices, organizations need to implement …

Cyber Minds
Review: Cyber Minds

Humans are an essential part of any enterprise and should be considered the foundation of its cybersecurity. That’s probably easier said than done, but Shira Rubinoff has some …

Review: Enzoic for Active Directory

Seemingly every day news drops that a popular site with millions of users had been breached and its user database leaked online. Almost without fail, attackers try to use …

Cyber Smart
Review: Cyber Smart

Do you believe you’re not interesting or important enough to be targeted by a cybercriminal? Do you think your personal data doesn’t hold any value? Bart R. McDonough proves …

Review: Foundations of Information Security
Review: Foundations of Information Security

Computers have become an essential part of everyday life, but this widespread usage comes with serious risks, especially for organizations. To address the issue, the author, …

The Great Hack
Review: The Great Hack

Data is the most valuable asset/resource on Earth. Still, we have little or no control over who is exploiting ours without our consent. That is what the authors, Jehane …

Review: Cyberdanger

Whether you’re already familiar with cybersecurity or want to educate yourself on the topic, Cyberdanger is a great read. The author, Eddy Willems, is a well-known expert in …

Review: Specops uReset

Yes, it’s 2019 and we still have to deal with passwords. They should be replaced or supplemented with multi-factor authentication as soon as possible, but it looks like they …

Specops Password Policy
Review: Specops Password Policy

All who work in the information security industry agree that passwords are one of the worst security nightmares of the modern information security age. Having weak passwords …

Absolute Platform
Review: The Absolute Platform with Persistence Technology

Absolute is a long-time player in the endpoint security arena, specializing in endpoint visibility and control. Regarded as an industry leader in IT asset management for more …

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