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Cybersecurity Tabletop Exercises
Review: Cybersecurity Tabletop Exercises

Packed with real-world case studies and practical examples, Cybersecurity Tabletop Exercises offers insights into how organizations have successfully leveraged tabletop …

The Cybersecurity Trinity
Review: The Cybersecurity Trinity

The Cybersecurity Trinity provides a comprehensive approach to modern cybersecurity by integrating AI, automation, and active cyber defense (ACD) into a unified strategy. …

The Chief AI Officer's Handbook
Review: The Chief AI Officer’s Handbook

The Chief AI Officer’s Handbook is a comprehensive resource for professionals navigating AI implementation and strategy. It is particularly valuable for Chief AI Officers …

Inside Cyber Warfare, 3rd Edition
Review: Inside Cyber Warfare, 3rd Edition

Inside Cyber Warfare, 3rd Edition by Jeffrey Caruso explores how nation-states, corporations, and hackers engage in digital warfare. It offers insights into the intersection …

Review: Action1 – Simple and powerful patch management

Although endpoint anti-malware and other security controls are now standard at the operating system level, keeping all endpoint software up-to-date and secure remains an open …

Engineering-grade OT security
Review: Engineering-grade OT security: A manager’s guide

Andrew Ginter is a widely-read author on industrial security and a trusted advisor for industrial enterprises. He holds a BSc. in Applied Mathematics and an MSc. in Computer …

Review: Cyberbunker: The Criminal Underworld

Written and directed by Kilian Lieb and Max Rainer, Cyberbunker is a Netflix documentary about a group of hackers that enabled the proliferation of dark web forums where …

Review: Enzoic for Active Directory

Data breaches now happen so often that we don’t even pause when reading yet another headline notifying us of the latest one. We react only if the breach happened to a service …

Hornetsecurity 365 Total Protection Enterprise Backup
Review: Hornetsecurity 365 Total Protection Enterprise Backup

Hornetsecurity 365 Total Protection Enterprise Backup is a cloud-based data protection and security solution that provides protection against spam, malware, and other advanced …

Group-IB Threat Intelligence & Attribution (TI&A)
Review: Group-IB Threat Intelligence & Attribution (TI&A)

Organizations and enterprises that care about business continuity should have an established security program that needs to be reviewed on a regular basis. One of the hardest …

Group-IB Digital Risk Protection
Review: Group-IB Digital Risk Protection

The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed our private and working lives. It has also forced companies to extend the network perimeter due to employees working from their homes and …

The Pentester Blueprint
Review: The Pentester Blueprint: Starting a Career as an Ethical Hacker

Brough to you by cybersecurity researcher Kim Crawley and pentester and author Phillip L. Wylie, The Pentester Blueprint gives insights into the most common hurdles …

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