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Do you have what it takes to be a hardware hacker?

If you ask Yago Hansen, a hacker specialized in Wi-Fi and RF security, curiosity and a willingness to learn and improve your skills are the two things that you absolutely must …

Inside the NIST team working to make cybersecurity more user-friendly

Cybersecurity is usually not a user’s primary duty, yet they suffer an increasing burden to respond to security warnings, maintain many complex passwords, and make security …

Emergency Presidential Alerts can be spoofed, researchers warn

Spurred by the panic-inducing fake alarm about an inbound ballistic missile received by Hawaii residents in January 2018, a group of researchers from University of Colorado …

Researchers develop a technique to vaccinate algorithms against adversarial attacks

A set of techniques to effectively vaccinate algorithms against adversarial attacks have been developed by researchers from CSIRO’s Data61. Algorithms …

Android apps
High-risk vulnerabilities found in 1/3 of iOS apps, nearly half of Android apps

Expert testing of iOS and Android mobile applications shows that in most cases, insecure data storage is the most common security flaw in mobile apps. Positive Technologies’ …

Researchers develop app to detect Twitter bots in any language

Thanks to fruitful collaboration between language scholars and machine learning specialists, a new application that can detect Twitter bots independent of the language used …

Researchers devise RAMBleed attack to grab secret data from memory

Researchers have demonstrated a new variation of the Rowhammer attack: dubbed RAMBleed, it may allow attackers to read data stored inside the computer’s physical memory. …

US Army
First framework to score the agility of cyber attackers and defenders

To help train government and industry organizations on how to prevent cyberattacks, as part of a research project for the U.S. Army, scientists at The University of Texas at …

Hackproofing smart meters and boosting smart grid security

Smart electricity meters are useful because they allow energy utilities to efficiently track energy use and allocate energy production. But because they’re connected to …

New user keystroke impersonation attack uses AI to evade detection

A sophisticated attack, called Malboard, in which a compromised USB keyboard automatically generates and sends malicious keystrokes that mimic the attacked user’s …

Two-thirds of iOS apps don’t use App Transport Security

Most iOS apps don’t take advantage of App Transport Security​ (ATS), a networking security feature offered by Apple that ensures encrypted connections between apps and …

Hack The Sea: Bridging the gap between hackers and the maritime sector

There’s a not a lot of researchers probing the security of computer systems underpinning the maritime industry. The limitations that keep that number low are obvious: …

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