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open source
The Linux Foundation’s Census of OSS app libraries helps prioritize security work

The Linux Foundation announced the final release of “Census II of Free and Open Source Software – Application Libraries,” which identifies more than one thousand of the …

mobile apps
How much do different generations trust their mobile devices’ security?

McAfee unveiled two survey reports which reveal the level of disconnect that exists between generations over how safe mobile devices are and how vulnerable consumers are to …

Critical infrastructure
Lack of visibility plaguing ICS environments

Dragos released its report on cyber threats facing industrial organizations, naming the emergence of three new threat groups targeting ICS/OT environments, including two that …

How businesses benefited from cloud transformation

Aptum released a report which explores the deployment of workloads on different cloud infrastructures and examines the decision-making process behind their placement. The …

Cybercrime getting more destructive, remote workers in the crosshairs

Fortinet’s threat intelligence from the second half of 2021 reveals an increase in the automation and speed of attacks demonstrating more advanced persistent cybercrime …

Authorization is bridging the gap between security and IAM

PlainID published a report, based on research conducted among IT and security professionals in North America and the UK. Among its headline findings, the report reveals that …

endpoint protection
Devastating breaches apparently still not enough for organizations to prioritize endpoint security

Action1 released a report based on feedback from 491 IT professionals worldwide. The study explores the extent to which organizations plan to prioritize endpoint security and …

Companies spending $6M on ransomware mitigation: Is it working?

A CBI and Ponemon Institute research report, based on a survey of IT and security professionals, takes a comprehensive look at companies’ ransomware strategies and mitigation …

How to keep pace with rising data protection demands

The disconnect between business expectations and IT’s ability to deliver has never been more impactful, according to a Veeam report, which found that 89% of organizations are …

Multi-tool/multi-cloud environments reaching the limit of their efficacy

CloudBolt Software released its latest research report, examining industry sentiment in specific dimensions of hybrid cloud/multi-cloud, and aiming to uncover unmet cloud …

Carpet bombing DDoS attacks spiralled in 2021

Neustar Security Services has released a report which details the ongoing rise in cyberattacks in 2021, with an unprecedented number of carpet bombing distributed denial of …

What do consumers really think about privacy?

Merkle has released a report which has historically reported on the marketing leader’s point of view, but this time turns its focus to consumers, revealing their sentiments …

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