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What is the actual role of a threat hunter?

The role and tasks of a threat hunter are confusing, according to a ThreatQuotient and SANS study based on data collected from 575 participating companies that either work …

Consumers not willing to compromise when it comes to IoT security

Nearly three quarters of consumers expect manufacturers of connected IoT devices to protect their devices from hacks, according to Karamba Security. Consumers take IoT …

78% of people forgot a password in the past 90 days

Passwords are the dominant way online services manage access to our personal and work-related lives. But often times, they’re more of a headache than a security tool. HYPR …

How are enterprises coping with the security challenges brought on by digital transformation initiatives?

451 Research has polled IT decision makers at 400 larger companies about the current state of cybersecurity in their organizations, the security initiatives they have planned, …

Insight into NIS Directive sectoral incident response capabilities

An analysis of current operational incident response (IR) set-up within the NIS Directive sectors has been released by ENISA. The NIS Directive and incident response The EU’s …

Port cybersecurity: Safeguarding operations against cyber attacks

Port stakeholders are facing more and more cybersecurity challenges with the emergence of new threats, regulations and increased digitalization. Major incidents such as …

CVE gap widens: 16,738 vulnerabilities disclosed during the first nine months of 2019

Risk Based Security’s VulnDB team aggregated 16,738 newly-disclosed vulnerabilities during the first three quarters of 2019 which surpassed CVE/NVD by 5,970 during the same …

Smart car security: Good practices to improve car safety

The automotive industry is undergoing an evolution towards connected and autonomous vehicles. Increasingly smart cars include added features that enhance users’ experience or …

Risky behavior exposes consumers to seasonal security scares

In advance of the peak shopping season, a study from PCI Pal shows that millions of Americans continue to over-indulge in risky behaviors – both online and on the phone, …

Inadequate data sanitization puts enterprises at risk of breaches and compliance failures

Global enterprises’ overconfidence and inadequate data sanitization are exposing organizations to the risk of data breach, at a time when proper data management should be at …

1.19 billion confidential medical images available on the internet

1.19 billion confidential medical images are now freely available on the internet, according to Greenbone’s research into the security of Picture Archiving and …

Only 11% of organizations can detect intruders in under one minute

The process of detecting, triaging, investigating, and containing a cyber incident takes organizations globally on average nearly seven days of working around the clock …

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