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software bug
Organizations are knowingly releasing vulnerable applications

92% of companies had experienced a breach in the prior year due to vulnerabilities of applications developed in-house, according to Checkmarx. AppSec managers and developers …

95% believe LLMs making phishing detection more challenging

More than 95% of responding IT and security professionals believe social engineering attacks have become more sophisticated in the last year, according to LastPass. Recent AI …

cybersecurity staff compensation
New compensation trends in the cybersecurity sector

For several years, cybersecurity leaders have grappled with talent shortages in crucial cyber roles. In the face of escalating financial requirements and expanding …

Cybercriminals harness AI for new era of malware development

The alliance between ransomware groups and initial access brokers (IABs) is still the powerful engine for cybercriminal industry, as evidenced by the 74% year-on-year increase …

Businesses foresee major impact from new SEC cybersecurity disclosure rules

While 98% of security professionals and executives have started working to comply with the new U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) cybersecurity disclosure ruling, …

98% of businesses linked to breached third parties

According to the updated SEC regulations on cybersecurity incident disclosure, findings by SecurityScorecard reveal that 98% of companies are associated with a third party …

cloud security
Cryptojacking is no longer the sole focus of cloud attackers

As commercial adoption of cloud technologies continues, cloud-focused malware campaigns have increased in sophistication and number – a collective effort to safeguard both …

Vishing, smishing, and phishing attacks skyrocket 1,265% post-ChatGPT

76% of enterprises lack sufficient voice and messaging fraud protection as AI-powered vishing and smishing skyrocket following the launch of ChatGPT, according to Enea. …

Understanding employees’ motivations behind risky actions

More 68% of employees knowingly put their organizations at risk, potentially leading to ransomware or malware infections, data breaches, or financial loss, according to …

How AI is reshaping the cybersecurity job landscape

88% of cybersecurity professionals believe that AI will significantly impact their jobs, now or in the near future, and 35% have already witnessed its effects, according to …

insider threat
AI in cybersecurity presents a complex duality

Companies more than ever view GRC (Governance, Risk, and Compliance) as a holistic process and are taking steps toward getting a complete view of their risk environment and …

send money
Enterprises’ progress in digital trust implementation is far from great

A growing divide separates leaders with a firm grasp on digital trust from those at the bottom of the pool, according to DigiCert. While digital trust overwhelmingly remains a …

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