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While many migrate security tools to the cloud, concerns remain

While many companies are beginning to migrate security tools to the cloud, a significant number have concerns, a survey by Exabeam reveals. The survey highlights data privacy, …

Password vulnerability at Fortune 1000 companies

Despite often repeated advice of using unique passwords for online accounts – or at least the most critical ones – password reuse continues to be rampant. And, …

insider threat
Social isolation is a risk factor for scam loss

The coronavirus crisis is forcing people to distance themselves from others, work remotely, and spend time indoors and online. While social distancing is a good health …

How finance leaders plan to react to COVID-19

The potential for COVID-19 to lead to a global economic downturn is the top concern for finance leaders in the US and Mexico, according to PwC. However, 90% of finance leaders …

WordPress and Apache Struts weaponized vulnerabilities on the rise

Vulnerabilities in leading web and application frameworks, if exploited, can have devastating effects like the Equifax breach which affected 147 million people, according to …

open source
Number of open source vulnerabilities surged in 2019

The number of disclosed open source software vulnerabilities in 2019 reached over 6000, up from just over 4,000 in 2018, a new WhiteSource report says. “This can be …

Economic impact and perceptions around the cybersecurity gender gap

If the number of women working in cybersecurity in the United States equalled that of men, the economic footprint of the U.S. cybersecurity industry would increase by $30.4 …

Rising threats call for primary cyber resilience, new strategies for governments

Cybercriminals are holding governments hostage more frequently, expanding their attack base, and asking for more money, according to a report released by Deloitte. The study …

Multi-cloud and edge deployments threatened by security and connectivity problems

Organizations face major infrastructure and security challenges in supporting multi-cloud and edge deployments, according to a Volterra survey of more than 400 IT executives. …

mobile apps
Hackers using hidden mobile apps and unique distribution methods to target consumers

Hackers are using hidden mobile apps, third-party login and counterfeit gaming videos to target consumers, according to McAfee. Worldwide detections of LeifAccess, 2019 Last …

54% of healthcare vendors have experienced a data breach of protected health information

More than half of all healthcare vendors have experienced a data breach that exposed protected health information (PHI), and it’s a costly problem that points to broken …

cloud storage
Most enterprises choose multi-cloud strategies, 55% plan to invest in data virtualization

79% of enterprises want better integrated security and governance for their data in the cloud, a survey from AtScale reveals. “As more enterprises embrace cloud …

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