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Zoom in crisis: How to respond and manage product security incidents

Zoom is in crisis mode, facing grave and very public concerns regarding the trust in management’s commitment for secure products, the respect for user privacy, the honesty of …

Will Zoom manage to retain security-conscious customers?

While Zoom Video Communications is trying to change the public’s rightful perception that, at least until a few weeks ago, Zoom security and privacy were low on their …

Shift to work-from-home: Most IT pros worried about cloud security

As most companies make the rapid shift to work-from-home to stem the spread of COVID-19, a significant percentage of IT and cloud professionals are concerned about maintaining …

When your laptop is your workspace, the real office never closes

With the COVID-19 pandemic, working from home has moved from a company perk to a hard requirement. Social distancing government mandates have forced complete office closures …

mobile work
Small businesses unprepared for remote working, most don’t provide cybersecurity training

Stay-at-home orders for more than 40 states have forced millions of businesses to establish remote workforces that rely solely on internet-enabled applications and products to …

Google Hangouts Meet
Video conferencing for teams and consumers: What is the right choice for you?

Though some claim that this forced “work from home” situation has shown that many of the discussions that previously required office meetings can actually be …

APT attacks targeting Linux, Windows and Android remained undetected for nearly a decade

Five related APT groups operating in the interest of the Chinese government have systematically targeted Linux servers, Windows systems and mobile devices running Android …

Zoom pledges to find, fix security and privacy issues

Since the advent of Covid-19, remote conferencing tools have been a lifesaver for all those stuck at home, forced to work and socialize online. Zoom, in particular, has …

remote work
Is remote work the new normal?

As COVID-19 continues to spread, remote work is no longer an experiment, but a requirement in many nations. While it represents a huge change, the results of a research …

While nearly 90% of companies are backing up data, only 41% do it daily

42% of companies experienced a data loss event that resulted in downtime last year, according to Acronis. That high number is likely caused by the fact that while nearly 90% …

Organizations struggle with patching endpoints against critical vulnerabilities

Less than 50 percent of organizations can patch vulnerable systems swiftly enough to protect against critical threats and zero-day attacks, and 81 percent have suffered at …

insider threat
Social isolation is a risk factor for scam loss

The coronavirus crisis is forcing people to distance themselves from others, work remotely, and spend time indoors and online. While social distancing is a good health …

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