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Most with in-house security teams are considering outsourcing security efforts

Syntax surveyed 500 IT decision-makers in the US on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their businesses and strategic decisions they’ll make in 2021. 2020 was a year of …

SCM market to reach $2.2B in total web and email security revenues by 2024

The Secure Content Management (SCM) market is expected to achieve an 11.4% compound annual growth rate to reach $2.2 billion in total web and email security revenues by 2024, …

Financial institutions must prepare for increased risk of financial crime

LexisNexis Risk Solutions published survey results of U.S. and Canadian compliance professionals on the range of challenges that financial institutions have experienced during …

Most CISOs believe that human error is the biggest risk for their organization

53% of CISOs and CSOs in the UK&I reported that their organization suffered at least one significant cyberattack in 2020, with 14% experiencing multiple attacks, a …

work from home
Protecting the remote workforce to be enterprises’ prime focus in 2021

Protecting the remote workforce will be enterprises’ prime focus in 2021, according to a Cato Networks survey of 2,376 IT leaders. IT teams struggled in the early days of the …

Companies turning to MSPs as attack vectors get more sophisticated

Research from Infrascale reveals new information security insights important to MSPs in the new year. The research survey highlights business executive input, from a security …

Malware incidents on remote devices increase

52% of organizations experienced a malware incident on remote devices in 2020, up from 37% in 2019, a Wandera report reveals. Of devices compromised by malware in 2020, 37% …

Revenue for 5G enterprises in the Asia-Pacific region to reach $13.9B by 2024

Mega trends across the government and public sector, healthcare, manufacturing, and telecommunications are posing new challenges to end users in vertical industries in the …

Healthcare IT teams battle with technical challenges to ensure network resilience and security

IDG surveyed IT leaders from hospitals, primary and urgent care facilities, pharmaceutical companies, and other healthcare entities. The goal was to shed light on how …

Data industry trends to watch in 2021

Okera researchers revealed five pivotal data industry trends and predictions expected to emerge in 2021. “The COVID-19 pandemic forced companies across the board to accelerate …

Massive IT-employee disconnect hindering remote productivity

There’s a glaring disconnect between IT and employees that will hold organizations back from evolving with the market and embracing a long-term digital workplace that is …

video call
Top videoconferencing attacks and security best practices

Videoconferencing has become a routine part of everyday life for remote workers, students, and families. Yet widespread adoption of this technology has also attracted …

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