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Exploring DevOps adoption among database pros

Redgate has released a report which shows some dramatic changes in IT as a direct result of the current pandemic. Nearly three quarters of organizations have now adopted …

Criminals leveraging shift to remote work to develop targeted attacks

Malwarebytes announced the findings of its report which explores how the global pandemic forced many employees to quickly become a remote workforce and confined consumers to …

What behavioral experts can teach us about improving security

The “castle and moat” approach to protecting one’s domain was effective for centuries. At the start of the internet age, when a company’s greatest assets were physically …

BEC scams
Business email compromise is a top concern for banks

Bottomline and Strategic Treasurer released the results of a survey that gathered details about corporate and banking experiences, actions and plans regarding fraud. Results …

Malware increased by 358% in 2020

A research study conducted by Deep Instinct reports on the hundreds of millions of attempted cyberattacks that occurred every day throughout 2020 showing malware increased by …

remote work
Enable secure remote workspaces without trashing your entire IT infrastructure

Roughly 12 months ago, when the world shifted seemingly overnight to work-from-home, few companies were well-positioned to seamlessly scale their remote work solutions. Legacy …

Why contextual machine learning is the fix that zero-trust email security needs

Email data breaches are on the rise. Our recent research found that 93% of organizations have experienced an email data breach in the last 12 months, at an average rate of one …

Cybersecurity spending for critical infrastructure to reach $105.99 billion in 2021

Cybersecurity spending in critical infrastructure has been little impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, save for some reshuffling on where that spend is most needed. The effect …

MacBook Pro
For SOC teams, the analytics and automation hype is real

Tools for analytics and automation are providing today’s SOC teams with enhanced visibility, improved productivity, and unlimited scalability—and it couldn’t come at a better …

5 cybersecurity trends MSPs must address in 2021

2020 was chock full of surprises and twists that no analyst could have predicted and came with a massive shift to remote working and tools that facilitate it. The good news is …

Researchers spot massive increase in RDP attack attempts

The COVID-19 pandemic continued to influence the cybercrime landscape in 2020, ESET reveals. Most notably, the new attack surface created by the shift to work from home …

Protecting productivity within the disappearing perimeter

During the past year, business leaders have seen first-hand the benefits of adopting an everywhere enterprise model of working and are now carefully considering its role in …

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