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Adapting the network for a remote working future

In the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, there was a big emphasis on stress testing major banks to determine if they have the reserves and processes to withstand such an …

endpoint protection
Endpoint complexities leaving sensitive data at risk

Absolute Software announced key findings from its report which shines a light on key trends affecting enterprise data and device security, and underscores the dangers of …

Organizations have seen an increase in device encryption

32% of organizations have seen an increase in device encryption in the past year, according to a Vanson Bourne survey. Additionally, 31 percent noted that their organization …

Professionals are burned out and in need of a break

Many workers are worn out and ready to make up for lost vacation time, a research from Robert Half suggests. Professionals more burned out today than a year ago 44% of …

Returning to the office? Time to reassess privileged access permissions

As more of the population becomes vaccinated against COVID-19, organizations are preparing to return to the office. In the emerging hybrid environment, where employees can …

Woman working on laptop
C-level cybersecurity attitudes as enterprises embrace the everywhere workplace

Ivanti unveiled the findings of a Frost & Sullivan study which investigates the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cybersecurity and compliance attitudes and behaviors in …

endpoint protection
Endpoint security: How to shore up practices for a safer remote enterprise

It’s a long-held belief that enterprise IT teams are overworked. It’s also considered common knowledge that their jobs have only gotten harder in the days since workforces …

The zero trust security market continues to grow

The global zero trust security market is projected to surpass $66,741.3 million, increasing from $18,500.0 million in 2019, at a CAGR of 17.6% from 2020 to 2027 timeframe, …

Hiring remote software developers: How to spot the cheaters

For the past year, moving to an all-remote workforce has often been positioned as a silver lining to the pandemic. Software engineers, in particular, reported a better …

Enterprise leaders now see cybersecurity as a business advantage

Enterprise leaders who previously viewed cybersecurity as part of traditional infrastructure have shifted to rapidly invest in integrated, cloud-based approaches, with ripple …

85% of breaches involve the human element

The 2021 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR) examines more breaches than ever before, and sheds light on how the most common forms of cyber attacks affected the …

Microsoft 365
Organizations using Microsoft 365 experience more breaches, with more severe impacts

85% of organizations using Microsoft 365 have suffered email data breaches in the last 12 months, an Egress report reveals. The increased amount of remote work as a result of …

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