remote working

What drives SDN adoption?
U.S. enterprises are looking to software-defined networking (SDN) providers to help them increase their agility and flexibility and enable remote working after the COVID-19 …

Health insurers facing growing risk of customer data theft
The U.S. health insurance industry is facing growing risks from cybersecurity threats due to the increasingly sophisticated techniques used by cybercriminals amid the …

Three security lessons from a year of crisis
Crime thrives in a crisis, and the coronavirus was the largest collective emergency that the world has faced for decades. While there are more heroes than villains in the …

File security violations within organizations have spiked 134% as the world reopened for business
BetterCloud surveyed more than 500 IT and security professionals—and examined internal data from thousands of organizations and users—to understand their top challenges, …

Most disaster recovery solutions are not tested on a regular basis
As organizations work diligently to support evolving business needs, while at the same time battling cybercrime and other threats to critical data, the majority of disaster …

Cyber insurance failing to live up to expectations
A RUSI paper finds that the contribution of the insurance sector to improving cyber security practice is ‘more limited than policymakers and businesses might hope’, and …

How facial recognition solutions can safeguard the hybrid workplace
The number of US adults teleworking due to the pandemic fell by 30% between January and May 2021 (from 23% to 16%), with the biggest drop in May. As more employees return to …

Employers permanently moving to a more flexible work model
Research conducted by Owl Labs, which polled 2000 business leaders based in the UK, Germany, France, and the Nordics shows that just 11% of business leaders expect their …

Chief Compliance Officers must embrace new leadership responsibilities
As demands on the compliance function grow more intense, Chief Compliance Officers (CCOs) must proactively embrace new leadership responsibilities for their role and …

SMBs willing to spend more money to protect their data
Cybersecurity remains a top priority for SMBs worldwide, as revealed in a survey conducted by Vanson Bourne. The report found that organizations are challenged to find a MSP …

Unstructured data still overshared inside and outside organizations
The number of overshared files rose 450 percent compared to the same quarter in 2020, highlighting the significant impact of the pandemic and remote work on data security. …

Many companies believe it is important to protect employee privacy, yet few are effective in doing so
DTEX Systems released a report which revealed a significant workforce privacy gap. The report, conducted by the Ponemon Institute, surveyed a global pool of 1,249 IT and IT …