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GDPR: Five tips for organizations to remain compliant

For the majority of UK businesses, a huge amount of time and resource was invested to become GDPR compliant in time for the May 2018 deadline. The cost of implementing GDPR …

Measuring privacy operations: Use of technology on the rise

Critical privacy program activities such as creating data inventories, conducting data protection impact assessments (DPIA), and managing data subject access rights requests …

Why compliance is never enough

Organizations are well aware of the security risks inherent in our hyper-connected world. However, many are making the mistake of focusing their attention on being compliant …

Privacy laws do not understand human error

In a world of increasingly punitive regulations like GDPR, the combination of unstructured data and human error represents one of the greatest risks an organization faces. …

Implications of the NIS Directive for the industrial sector

On July 6, 2018 the NIS (Network and Information System) Directive was enacted as the first EU-wide legislation that provides measures to boost security across the region. …

Implications of the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018

It’s no secret, consumers are increasingly mindful of who is accessing, collecting, receiving, storing and otherwise processing their personal data. In an effort to …

Why pushback on the CCPA is wrong

Since GDPR was implemented on May 25th, 2018 one big question has been lurking in the U.S.: When will the U.S. Federal Government follow suit? With the spate of breaches over …

PSD2 SCA requirements will be implemented soon, are you ready?

As the second Payment Services Directive continues its rollout, regulations making it obligatory for organisations to implement strong customer authentication (SCA) in online …

Sumo Logic: What can you learn from our approach to GDPR?

Sumo Logic was founded in 2010 by experts in log management, scalable systems, big data, and security. Today, their purpose-built, cloud-native service analyzes more than 100 …

Business ideas
Banks planning further integration of regulatory data

Most global banks are planning to integrate their regulatory workflow data. But keeping up to date with the fast pace of regulatory change, as well as staying compliant with …

Should governments regulate social media data collection?

Venafi announced the results of a survey querying 512 security professionals attending RSA Conference 2018. The survey evaluated opinions on the intersection of cyber …

FDA plans to improve medical device cybersecurity

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) plans to tackle security issues related to medical devices and has released a plan of action it means to implement in the near …

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