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A closer look at mobile permissions one year into GDPR

With GDPR reaching its one year anniversary May 25, Airship revealed top-level results of its global benchmark study, examining the state of mobile app user permissions across …

Data privacy: A hot-button issue for Americans one year after GDPR

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) went into effect in the European Union a year ago this month. GDPR, which gives EU citizens more control over their personal data …

Half of companies missed GDPR deadline, 70% admit systems won’t scale

Even if given two years notice to achieve GDPR compliance, only half of companies self-reported as compliant by May 25, 2018, a DataGrail survey reveals. “The Age of Privacy: …

PII capturing websites still applying poor security measures one year after GDPR

One year after the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) went into effect, 1 in 10 PII capturing websites belonging to the top 10 UK financial services organizations …

Three ways GDPR benefits US companies

It’s hard to believe we’ve almost reached the one-year anniversary of the date the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) went into effect. Leading up to that May 25, 2018 …

Whose (usage) data is it, anyway?

Around the world, business customers now demand business-to-business (B2B) SaaS companies safeguard their usage data. More importantly, they want to know how SaaS companies …

Senior payment executives’ thoughts on SME PCI compliance and security

Acquirers now hold higher expectations for compliance than they did 12 months ago, Sysnet Global Solutions has established. What is your current compliance rate? The annual …

PSD2 and strong customer authentication: Are all elements equal?

The European Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2), introduced in January 2018, contains the requirement for additional security features for certain online transactions. These …

Government embracing digital transformation but struggling to implement data security

The push towards digital transformation in the U.S. government is putting sensitive data at risk, according to a Thales research conducted by analyst firm IDC. The 2019 Thales …

Business ideas
Only 55% of companies plan to be ready for CCPA implementation

While reputation and consumer privacy are the biggest drivers for CCPA compliance, only 55% of companies plan to be ready by the law’s Jan. 1, 2020 effective date, according …

How much does the average employee know about data privacy?

With the impacts and repercussions of the looming California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) on the minds of many privacy professionals, new research from MediaPRO shows more work …

The leading sources of stress for cybersecurity leaders? Regulation, threats, skills shortage

A perfect storm of regulation, increased threats and technological complexity is overwhelming cybersecurity decision makers, reveals new research from Symantec. Cybersecurity …

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