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French firms targeted with ransomware

French companies are the latest targets of cyber crooks wielding the CTB Locker (aka Critroni) ransomware. The emails look like their coming from an employee of the target …

Fake Facebook Account Suspended emails lead to Trojans, ransomware

Fake Facebook account suspension emails are doing rounds of inboxes around the world, trying to convince the recipients that their account has been temporarily disabled due to …

Police ransomware scam drives UK teen to suicide

For most people, a ransomware infection is not a huge tragedy: they pay the bogus fine (or not), and ultimately get their computer back either because the criminals unlock it …

New version of Cryptowall ransomware spotted doing rounds

The infamous Cryptowall ransomware is back: the newest version has been spotted compromising users starting on January 12. According to both Microsoft and the researcher that …

Ransomware-wielding crooks made over $217,000 in a single month

Crypto-ransomware continues to be a very effective way for cyber crooks to “earn” serious money: the method is so lucrative that with a single campaign, the crooks …

HuffPo visitors targeted with malvertising, infected with ransomware

The last days of the past and the first days of the current year have been unlucky for visitors of several popular sites including the Huffington Post and, which …

TorrentLocker exposed: Investigation and analysis

ESET researchers analyzed a widespread case of ransomware generally known as TorrentLocker, which started spreading in early 2014. The latest variant of the malware has …

Browser vulnerabilities to become biggest endpoint challenge

A growing number of flaws in web browsers is viewed as the biggest endpoint security headache by today’s IT decision-makers, according to Malwarebytes. With the number …

Trends in Internet trust exploits, IoT, cyber espionage and privacy

In the third quarter, McAfee Labs detected more than 307 new threats every minute, or more than five every second, with mobile malware samples growing by 16 percent during the …

Widespread malvertising campaign targets high-profile sites, delivers ransomware

A newer version of the Cryptowall ransomware has been delivered to unsuspecting Internet users via malicious ads shown on a considerable number of high-profile websites, …

Koler worm spreads via SMS, holds phones for ransom

A new variant of the Android malware Koler now spreads by text message and holds infected users’ phones hostage until a ransom is paid. AdaptiveMobile detected the …

Malicious YouTube ads lead to exploits, ransomware

In the last few months, Trend Micro researchers have been following a malvertising campaign that ended up affecting almost exclusively US users at the beat of more than …

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