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TeslaCrypt ransomware pushed by several exploit kits

TeslaCrypt is one of the newest additions to the ransomware category of malware, and is being pushed out to users left and right. Aside from the usual assortment of file types …

CoinVault ransomware: Retrieve data without paying the criminals

Victims of the CoinVault ransomware have a chance to retrieve their data without having to pay the criminals, thanks to a repository of decryption keys and a decryption …

TorLocker victims can decrypt most files without paying ransom

Crypto-ransomware rarely means good news for targets, but when it comes to TorLocker malware (detected as Trojan-Ransom.Win32.Scraper by Kaspersky Lab), the victims can …

New crypto-ransomware “quarantines” files, downloads info-stealer

Trend Micro researchers have found and analyzed a new piece of crypto-ransomware: CryptVault encrypts files, makes them look like files quarantined by an AV solution, asks for …

Crypto ransomware sightings and trends for Q1 2015

It seems that cybercriminals have yet to tire of creating crypto-ransomware malware. Since the start of 2015, we have spotted several variants of crypto-ransomware plague the …

Fake “Incoming Fax Report” emails lead to crypto-ransomware

Once again, fake “Incoming Fax Report” emails carrying malware are being sent out to random users. Given the popularity of online fax-sending services, there are …

Fake job seeker’s emails deliver ransomware and info-stealer

The latest Cryptowall-delivery campaign comes with an additional menace: the Fareit Trojan, which is designed to steal logins and passwords from compromised computers, …

New crypto-ransomware encrypts video games files

A new piece of ransomware that (mis)uses the Cryptolocker “brand” has been analyzed by Bromium researchers, and they discovered that aside from the usual …

Cyber crooks take advantage of ad bidding networks to deliver ransomware

Malware peddlers are taking advantage of real time advertising bidding networks to deliver ransomware to unsuspecting users, FireEye researchers are warning. “Real Time …

Active campaigns deliver old and new ransomware families

Cyber crooks’ love for ransomware continues unabated, and user are warned about several active campaigns trying to deliver the malware on target computers. The campaigns …

Cryptowall makes a comeback via malicious help files

A new spam wave has hit hundreds of mailboxes with malicious .chm attachments to spread the infamous Cryptowall ransomware. Cryptowall is an advanced version of Cryptolocker, …

Improved Simplocker variant hits Android users hard

Mobile crypto-ransomware Simplocker has evolved, and returning the encrypted files to their unencrypted state is no longer easy as it was. First spotted in June 2014, …

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