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PIN-changing, screen-locking Android ransomware

“A sophisticated new piece of ransomware targeting Android users and locking them out of their devices by changing the PIN has been discovered by ESET researchers. …

Android ransomware masquerades as Adult Player app, takes photo of victim

“A new mobile ransomware variant uses a clever new technique to push affected users to pay the asked-for ransom: it takes a photo of the user with the phone’s …

Clever Android ransomware infects tens of thousands of devices

“A new, improved variant of the Android Simplocker ransomware is lurking on third-party app stores. “We estimate that tens of thousands of devices have been …

Angler EK exploits recently patched IE bug to deliver ransomware

“If they haven’t already, Internet Explorer users would do well to implement the security update provided by Microsoft last month, as among the fixed vulnerability …

Fake “Windows 10 Free Upgrade” emails deliver ransomware

“It didn’t take long for malware peddlers to take advantage of the huge interest users have shown into Windows 10. The newest version of the popular software was …

How complex attacks drive the IT security innovation race

There’s a need for organizations to reduce time to detection (TTD) in order to remediate against sophisticated attacks by highly motivated threat actors, according to …

TeslaCrypt 2.0 makes it impossible to decrypt affected files

“Kaspersky Lab has detected curious behavior in a new threat from the TeslaCrypt ransomware encryptor family. In version 2.0 of the Trojan notorious for infecting …

Why a low-level threat can open the door for serious infections

“A device hi-jacked for the purpose of conducting click-fraud can become a conduit for more serious malware such as ransomware. A Damballa study cited an example of how …

Update your Flash Player if you don’t want ransomware

“It didn’t take long for exploit kit authors to incorporate an exploit for the recently discovered zero-day Adobe Flash vulnerability (CVE-2015-3113) into their …

Over $18 million lost to Cryptowall just in the US

“Cryptowall is still “the most current and significant ransomware threat targeting US individuals and businesses,” the FBI warned in a public service …

Newly patched Flash Player bug exploited to deliver crypto ransomware

“It took less than a week for a functional exploit for a recently patched Adobe Flash Player vulnerability to be added to the Magnitude exploit kit, Trend Micro …

Massive growth in new ransomware, malware targeting Adobe Flash

“In the first quarter of 2015, McAfee Labs registered a 165 percent increase in new ransomware driven largely by the new, hard-to-detect CTB-Locker ransomware family, a …

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