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Android Marshmallow
3-in-1 Android malware acts as ransomware, banking Trojan and infostealer

Why stop at asking ransom for encrypted files when you can also steal personal info, passwords, online banking credentials and credit card details, and then sell it or use it …

ransomware livechat
Ransomware offers customer support via chat

PadCrypt, a newly discovered piece of ransomware, offers the victims the possibility to chat with the criminals behind the scheme. This ransomware, as many before it, presents …

Hollywood hospital pays ransom to get their computers, files back

The Hollywood hospital whose systems have been infected with ransomware has paid $17,000 to get the decryption key from the criminals, and is operating normally once again. …

Dridex botnet alive and well, now also spreading ransomware

Last October’s disruption of the Dridex botnet by UK and US law enforcement agencies and the arrest of a Moldovan bot master have not lead to the death of the botnet. …

Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center
Hollywood hospital’s systems held hostage by hackers

The Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center, an “acute-care facility” located in Los Angeles, has had its computer systems compromised by hackers. The attackers are …

Difficult to block JavaScript-based ransomware can hit all operating systems

A new type of ransomware that still goes undetected by the great majority of AV solutions has been spotted and analyzed by Emsisoft researchers (via Google Translate). …

UK map
9% of all ransomware-infected emails target the UK

9.1% of all ransomware-infected emails detected by Bitdefender in 2015 have targeted UK users. Furthermore, 54% of all malware files targeting the UK contained some form of …

A deadly campaign delivers Pony info-stealer followed by Cryptowall ransomware

After the tech support scam paired with ransomware, another deadly combination has been seen targeting PC users: info-stealer coupled with ransomware. According to Heimdal …

A double whammy of tech support scam and ransomware hits US, UK users

Tech support scams and ransomware usually don’t go together, but there’s a first time for everything. Symantec researchers have spotted a generic tech support scam …

Linux crypto ransomware continues to wreak havoc, but there’s some good news

Trojan Encoder crypto ransomware family, whose main target are web servers running on Linux, is obviously making quite a splash. Dr. Web, the security company that first …

Five ransomware safety tips for online retailers

Cybercriminals have developed a destructive new form of ransomware that targets online retailers. They scan websites for common vulnerabilities and use them to install malware …

Exploit kit activity up 75 percent

The creation of DNS infrastructure by cybercriminals to unleash exploit kits increased 75 percent in the third quarter of 2015 from the same period in 2014, according to …

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