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maktub ransomware
Beware of phishing emails sporting your home address!

The latest (likely very successful) ransomware delivery campaign takes the form of spear-phishing emails targeting specific individuals and, for added credibility, includes …

Samas ransomware enters hospitals through vulnerable servers

There’s hardly a day anymore that we don’t hear about a hospital being hit with ransomware. But while most have been infected via phishing emails carrying or …

petya ransomware
Petya ransomware encrypts files, disks, locks users out of computers

A new type of ransomware does not only encrypt the victims’ files, but also their disk’s Master File Table (MFT), and it replaces the boot drive’s existing …

Cyber crooks spread Surprise ransomware via TeamViewer

A new ransomware family has been encrypting users’ files and appending the .surprise extension to them. The malware itself doesn’t differ much from other similar …

KeRanger Mac ransomware is a rewrite of Linux Encoder

KeRanger, the recently discovered first functional Mac ransomware, is a copy of Linux Encoder, the crypto-ransomware first unearthed and analyzed in November 2015 by Dr. Web …

Sophisticated threats dictate future response strategies

Trend Micro released its annual security roundup report which dissects the most significant security incidents from 2015. The research confirms attackers are now bolder, …

Reactions to the KeRanger ransomware for Macs

Palo Alto researchers have discovered the first fully functional ransomware aimed at Mac users. The malware, dubbed KeRanger, has been found bundled into the Mac version of …

OS X ransomware found bundled with legitimate software

Palo Alto researchers have discovered the first fully functional ransomware aimed at Mac users. The malware, dubbed KeRanger, has been found on Friday (March 4), bundled into …

Cerber ransomware talks to its victims

A new crypto ransomware, dubbed Cerber by its creators, has recently started targeting Windows users. The malware is relatively new, and its delivery method is still unknown, …

visa spam
UK, US users hit with credit card-themed spam spreading ransomware

Symantec researchers have spotted an unusual ransomware delivery campaign hitting mostly UK and US users: fake emails apparently coming from Visa are urging recipients to …

CTB-Locker for websites
CTB Locker ransomware now also encrypts websites

The well-known crypto ransomware CTB Locker is back. After a considerable slowdown in distribution, it is being pushed onto users again, and this time its executable has been …

Lock keyboard
Crypto ransomware hits German hospitals

At least three hospitals in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia have been hit with crypto ransomware. One is Lukas Krankenhaus (Lukas Hospital) in Neuss, the second one …

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