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BEC scams
Half of cybercrime losses in 2019 were the result of BEC scams

Business email compromise (BEC) and email account compromise (EAC) scams are still the most lucrative schemes for cybercriminals: the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center …

Emotet: Crimeware you need to be aware of

According to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Emotet continues to be among the most costly and destructive malware threats affecting state, local, and territorial …

Mac threats are growing faster than their Windows counterparts

Mac threats growing faster than their Windows counterparts for the first time ever, with nearly twice as many Mac threats detected per endpoint as Windows threats, according …

Ransomware uses vulnerable, signed driver to disable endpoint security

Ransomware-wielding attackers have devised a novel tactic for disabling security protections that might get in their way: they are using a deprecated, vulnerable but signed …

Malware and ransomware attack volume down due to more targeted attacks

Cybercriminals are leveraging more evasive methods to target businesses and consumers, a SonicWall report reveals. “Cybercriminals are honing their ability to design, …

industry danger
New ransomware targets industrial control systems

With the ransomware threat is surging unstoppably in the last few years, it was just a matter of time until ICS-specific ransomware became a reality. Researchers from various …

Over half of organizations were successfully phished in 2019

Nearly 90 percent of global organizations were targeted with BEC and spear phishing attacks in 2019, reflecting cybercriminals’ continued focus on compromising individual end …

Travelex extorted by ransomware gang, services still offline a week after the hit

On the last day of 2019, foreign exchange company Travelex was hit by cyber attackers wielding the Sodinokibi (aka REvil) ransomware. More than a week later, the …

Trend Micro oil and gas industry
Oil and gas industry risks escalate, cybersecurity should be prioritized

The oil and gas industry and its supply chain face increased cybersecurity risks from advanced threat groups and others as they continue to build out digitally connected …

Attack tools and techniques used by major ransomware families

Ransomware tries to slip unnoticed past security controls by abusing trusted and legitimate processes, and then harnesses internal systems to encrypt the maximum number of …

Believe the hype, but control the threat: Reducing the risk of ransomware

Ransomware is becoming an epidemic for any collection or repository of data. Each day the attacks seem to be getting larger and more lucrative for cybercriminals. According to …

Attackers continue to leverage greater levels of social engineering and sophistication

Despite a nearly four-month absence, the return of Emotet within the last two weeks of September accounted for nearly 12 percent of all malicious email samples in Q3, …

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