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Most security pros think a WAF is high maintenance

An organization’s web application firewall (WAF) is a critical line of defense in protecting proprietary and customer data, but the concern is that some organizations are …

Malware increased by 358% in 2020

A research study conducted by Deep Instinct reports on the hundreds of millions of attempted cyberattacks that occurred every day throughout 2020 showing malware increased by …

5 cybersecurity trends MSPs must address in 2021

2020 was chock full of surprises and twists that no analyst could have predicted and came with a massive shift to remote working and tools that facilitate it. The good news is …

People are often the collateral damage of attacks on corporations

Thanks to cyberattacks making regular headlines in the news, it’s no secret that massive data breaches are a significant threat to organizations. However, a report from …

Hackers hit CD Projekt Red, steal data, ask for ransom

Polish game developer CD Projekt Red has been hit by hackers, who breached its internal network, stole data, encrypted some devices, and asked for a ransom to not sell of leak …

Lack of visibility into remote endpoints leaves companies vulnerable to ransomware

Illumio released findings on visibility and security practices for remote endpoints, revealing how vulnerable organizations are to ransomware propagating throughout the …

SMB ransomware extortion: Identifying pieces of the puzzle

2020 saw a new trend emerge: ransomware victims who were unwilling or unable to pay the ransom were faced with the threat of their sensitive information being exposed. Ponying …

digital transformation
Digital transformation plans have accelerated due to the pandemic

As organizational reliance on data continues to rise amid the pandemic, a Druva survey uncovered rising concerns among Indian businesses about data protection, the growing …

Ransomware: The rise of Misfortune 500 businesses

Far too many executives and employees think ransomware is a nuisance delivered via an obviously fake phishing email. This misconception leaves companies exposed to attack. …

Extortion demands grow as cybercriminals target new online industries

There was a 154 percent increase in the number of attacks between 2019 and 2020, with growth in ransom-related DDoS (RDDoS) attacks and a rise in use of existing attack …

Isolation-based security technologies are gaining prominence

Cyberinc shared its insights into the key trends that will shape the cybersecurity industry in the coming year. With evolving tactics that increase the risk and impact of …

cybersecurity investments
Cybersecurity investments will increase up to 10% in 2021

A Canalys forecast predicts cybersecurity investments will increase 10% worldwide in the best-case scenario in 2021. Information security will remain a high priority this …

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