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SASE emerges as the edge becomes an enterprise focal point

Network attacks continue to proliferate, especially sophisticated probing of user domain registries, ransomware attacks, and malware injections via trojans. To further …

Ron Tosto
The importance of crisis management in the age of ransomware

Cybersecurity crises are becoming commonplace. With the massive surge in ransomware attacks in the last few years, businesses can’t afford to ignore the increasing …

Cyber risk trends driving the surge in ransomware incidents

During the COVID-19 crisis, another outbreak took place in the cyber space: a digital pandemic driven by ransomware. In a recent report, Allianz Global Corporate & …

endpoint protection
70% of businesses can’t ensure the same level of protection for every endpoint

A Deep Instinct research, which seeks to discover the cybersecurity concerns keeping CISO’s and SecOps professional up at night, found that 86% of UK respondents believe …

Add a new dimension to ransomware defenses

Ransomware is a particularly heartless endeavor. Criminals have targeted schools, vital infrastructure, and even patient records at a psychiatric treatment facility. The US …

Storage systems vulnerabilities: Act now to avoid disasters

Continuity issued a research report which provided an analysis of the vulnerabilities and misconfigurations of enterprise storage systems. The findings revealed that storage …

List of IT assets an attacker is most likely to target for exploitation

Randori released a report that identifies the most tempting IT assets that an attacker is likely to target and exploit. Leading up to the anniversary of the Solarwinds hack, …

Is the government’s response to cybersecurity threats enough for your organization?

With this year’s attacks against Colonial Pipeline and Kaseya, ransomware and its impact on infrastructure have been pushed to the forefront of American political …

Ransomware attacks preparedness lagging, despite organizations being aware of the risks

Hornetsecurity released the results of a global study of IT professionals on their preparedness for ransomware attacks. Survey data showed that although companies are …

AWS ransomware attacks: Not a question of if, but when

Ermetic announced the results of a study about the security posture of AWS environments and their vulnerability to ransomware attacks. In virtually all of the participating …

Google Play malware
2021 nastiest malware: Here to stay and ever evolving

This year was yet another year with COVID-19 and malware running rampant in the headlines. Be it in person or online, the world is still struggling in the fight against …

Ransomware: Relationship breakdowns have never been so satisfying

Names such as Conti, Ryuk, Babuk, and Darkside have permeated into public consciousness, linked to disruptions of critical services worldwide. And with good measure, since the …

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