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Paying the ransom is not a good recovery strategy

Businesses are losing the battle when it comes to defending against ransomware attacks, according to a Veeam report, which found that 72% of organizations had partial or …

How confident are CISOs about their security posture?

Proofpoint released its annual Voice of the CISO report, which explores key challenges facing chief information security officers (CISOs). While the world’s CISOs spent 2021 …

Ransomware still winning: Average ransom demand jumped by 45%

Group-IB unveils its guide to the evolution of threat number one “Ransomware Uncovered 2021/2022”. The findings of the second edition of the report indicate that the …

By streamlining compliance, companies can focus more on security

A-LIGN released its 2022 Compliance Benchmark Report, highlighting the concern over increased threat of ransomware attacks and the need for organizations to adopt a more …

Prioritize patching vulnerabilities associated with ransomware

A threat research from Cyber Security Works (CSW) has revealed a 7.6% increase in ransomware vulnerabilities since the publication of the Ransomware Spotlight Report in …

5 critical questions to test your ransomware preparedness

I’m a pentester – that is, a professional penetration tester. Some call me an ethical hacker, a white hat, or red teamer. In the heat of the moment, I’ve been called much …

Cardiologist charged for use and sale of ransomware

The US Attorney’s Office is charging a Venezuelan cardiologist with attempted computer intrusions and conspiracy to commit computer intrusions. The charges stem from his use …

remote work
Remote work hazards: Attackers exploit weak WiFi, endpoints, and the cloud

Infoblox unveils a global report examining the state of security concerns, costs, and remedies. As the pandemic and uneven shutdowns stretch into a third year, organizations …

79% of organizations have activated a disaster recovery response within the past 12 months

Zerto recently commissioned IDC to conduct a major ransomware and disaster preparedness survey, which revealed that 79% of respondents have activated a disaster recovery (DR) …

Ransomware works fast, you need to be faster to counter it

Since the pandemic hit and organizations had to quickly adjust to widespread remote work and stand up hybrid environments, ransomware gangs have been having a field day. In …

The 6 steps to a successful cyber defense

The Ransomware Spotlight Year-End Report from Ivanti, conducted in partnership with Cyber Security Works and Cyware, found that there is now a total of 157 ransomware families …

Ransomware is up and victims are paying

Sophos released a survey and review of real-world ransomware experiences in a report which shows that 66% of organizations surveyed were hit with ransomware in 2021, up from …

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