public sector

Law enforcement agencies see AI as a key tool for reducing crime
A U.S. national survey of first responders reveals strong support for AI adoption, cybersecurity concerns, and increasing demand for cloud-native, data-driven, and …

How nation-state cyber attacks disrupt public services and undermine citizen trust
In this Help Net Security interview, Rob Greer, VP and GM of the Enterprise Security Group at Broadcom, discusses the impact of nation-state cyber attacks on public sector …

ENISA gives out toolbox for creating security awareness programs
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) has made available Awareness Raising in a Box (AR-in-a-BOX), a “do it yourself” toolbox to help organizations …

How to improve public sector’s security strategy?
With international tensions heightened as we enter month eight of the war between Russia and Ukraine, it’s clear that a new era of intensifying state-sponsored attacks …

How effective are public-private partnerships?
Ninety-three percent of cyber decision-makers say public-private partnerships are vital to national defense, but only 34 percent believe they are very effective, according to …

Strengthening the ability of public companies to combat cybersecurity threats
The National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD), SecurityScorecard and the Cyber Threat Alliance released a report that examines the U.S. Securities and Exchange …

Steady rise in severe web vulnerabilities
Invicti Security released a research which reveals a rise in severe web vulnerabilities and the need for executive leaders to intertwine their application security and digital …

Security flaws found in 82% of public sector software applications
Veracode has released new findings that show the public sector has the highest proportion of security flaws in its applications and maintains some of the lowest and slowest …

Poor data sanitization practices put public sector data at risk
A research launched by Blancco Technology Group reveals current practices and policies for device sanitization within the public sector. Researchers spoke to 596 government IT …

The cybersecurity metrics required to make Biden’s Executive Order impactful
For too long, both the private and public sectors have not prioritized cybersecurity efforts enough and only acted in “good faith” – an inadequate effort to improve …

To support a growing remote workforce, the public sector turned to the cloud
Nutanix announced the global public sector industry findings of its report, measuring organizations’ plans for adopting a private, hybrid and public cloud. The findings point …

Revenue for 5G enterprises in the Asia-Pacific region to reach $13.9B by 2024
Mega trends across the government and public sector, healthcare, manufacturing, and telecommunications are posing new challenges to end users in vertical industries in the …