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Factors driving API growth in industry

This is third in a series of articles that introduces and explains application programming interfaces (API) security threats, challenges, and solutions for participants in …

GitHub Code Scanning
GitHub Code Scanning aims to prevent vulnerabilities in open source software

GitHub has made available two new security features for open and private repositories: code scanning (as a GitHub-native experience) and secret scanning (both still in beta). …

760+ malicious packages found typosquatting on RubyGems

Researchers have discovered over 760 malicious Ruby packages (aka “gems”) typosquatting on RubyGems, the Ruby community’s gem repository / hosting service. The …

Security Compass
Automate manual security, risk, and compliance processes in software development

The future of business relies on being digital – but all software deployed needs to be secure and protect privacy. Yet, responsible cybersecurity gets in the way of what any …

Security pitfalls to avoid when programming using an API

OWASP’s API Security Project has released the first edition of its top 10 list of API security risks. The most common and perilous API security risks API abuse is an …

Chance that flaws will ever be dealt with diminishes the longer they stick around

More than half of all security findings (56%) are fixed, but a focus on fixing new findings while neglecting aging flaws leads to increasing security debt, according to …

Code dependency mapping’s role in securing enterprise software

Enterprise software is only as good as its security. Today, a data breach costs $3.92 million on average. Organizations are expected to spend $124 billion on security in 2019 …

Backdoored Ruby gems stole credentials, injected cryptomining code

The compromise of several older versions of a popular Ruby software package (aka a Ruby “gem”) has led to the discovery of a more widespread effort to inject …

Securing modern web apps: A case for framework-aware SAST

If you were to write a web application entirely by yourself, it would be a rather daunting task. You would need to write the UI elements from lower-level APIs, set up and …

Framing supply chain attacks

The increase in the demand for innovative software has effectively reshaped the software development industry itself. Today, speed and agility are paramount and development …

Building security into cloud native apps with NGINX

Companies like Airbnb, Uber and DoorDash, which have a cloud-based software infrastructure as one of their main enablers, are disrupting the hospitality, transportation and …

Popular coding advice doesn’t necessarily equal secure coding advice

Stack Overflow is a hugely popular online forum/Q&A site that many programmers and software developers use to find answers to particular programming problems. …

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