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Trojan Source bugs may lead to extensive supply-chain attacks on source code

Cambridge University researchers have detailed a new way targeted vulnerabilities can be introduced into source code while making them invisible to human code reviewers, …

HITB training
What is wrong with developer security training?

“Turn a developer into a hacker” is a commonly heard call. There are many online courses and trainings that ostensibly teach developers how to write code that’s …

Data teams are discovering the benefits of automation and flexible coding announced results from its research study about the work capacity and priorities of data teams, including data analysts, data scientists, data engineers, and …

The basics of security code review

With staffing ratios often more than 200 developers for every AppSec professional, scaling security requires increasing the developer’s engagement in securing the product. To …

Hiring remote software developers: How to spot the cheaters

For the past year, moving to an all-remote workforce has often been positioned as a silver lining to the pandemic. Software engineers, in particular, reported a better …

Digital business requires a security-first mindset

Security is an undeniable necessity for the survival and success of any company. COVID-19 accelerated digital transformation initiatives across all industries and this shift …

SQL injection: The bug that seemingly can’t be squashed

If you’re in a hands-on cybersecurity role that requires some familiarity with code, chances are good that you’ve had to think about SQL injection over and over (and over) …

Researchers develop tool that automates device programming in the IoT

The Internet of Things (IoT) has ushered in a new era, with everyday items evolving into what we now refer to as cyber-physical systems. These systems are physical mechanisms …

ControlFlag: Machine programming research tool detects bugs in code

Intel unveiled ControlFlag – a machine programming research system that can autonomously detect errors in code. Even in its infancy, this self-supervised system shows promise …

In the era of AI, standards are falling behind

According to a recent study, only a minority of software developers are actually working in a software development company. This means that nowadays literally every company …

New AI algorithm to detect cryptocurrency miners as they steal power

Computer scientists have developed a new artificial intelligence (AI) system that may be able to identify malicious codes that hijack supercomputers to mine for cryptocurrency …

Security analysis of legacy programming environments reveals critical flaws

New research from Trend Micro highlights design flaws in legacy languages and released new secure coding guidelines. These are designed to help Industry 4.0 developers greatly …

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