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OpenBSD team forks OpenSSL to create safer SSL/TLS library

For all the talk about how something should be done to fix OpenSSL so that a Heartbleed situation is never again repeated, there has been little to no concrete action so far. …

ESET launches secure authentication SDK

ESET launched the ESET Secure Authentication Software Development Kit (SDK). With this release, ESET provides system architects with a comprehensive developer guide in three …

The security of the most popular programming languages

A new WhiteHat Security report takes a deeper look into the security of a number of the most popular programming languages including .Net, Java, ColdFusion, ASP and more. …

10,000 GitHub users inadvertently reveal their AWS secret access keys

GitHub developers who are also Amazon Web Services users are advised to check the code they made public on their project pages and to delete secret access keys for their AWS …

New free online software security training courses

The Software Assurance Forum for Excellence in Code (SAFECode), a non-profit organization working to increase trust in technology products and services through the advancement …

NTRU public key crypto released to open source community

RSA and ECC are the two most common public-key crypto systems in use today. At the 2013 Black Hat conference, researchers declared that the math for cracking encryption …

Python 3.3.3 fixes several security bugs

Python 3.3.3 fixes several security and a lot of overall bug fixes found in Python 3.3.2. This release fully supports OS X 10.9 Mavericks. In particular, this release fixes an …

IBM fuels new era of cognitive apps built in the cloud

IBM will make its IBM Watson technology available as a development platform in the cloud, to enable a worldwide community of software application providers to build a new …

Free mobile security scanning apps and SDK

iScan Online announced an updated and enhanced suite of security scanning services. iScan Online Mobile for iOS – This app provides security scanning for iPhone and iPad …

Python for web application security professionals

Python is an open source, interactive, object oriented programming language. It’s very easy to learn and an extremely powerful high level language. It runs on Windows, …

Microsoft, Facebook and Mozilla hunt for developers at HackWEEKDAY

This October, developers from around the globe have an opportunity to showcase their coding skills to an international audience at the HackWEEKDAY hackathon in Kuala Lumpur. …

HP releases Fortify Static Code Analyzer 4.0

HP announced Fortify Static Code Analyzer (SCA) 4.0, delivering a new approach that enables organizations to assess the security of software up to 10 times faster than …

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