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smart toys
Popular smart toys violate children’s privacy rights?

My Friend Cayla and i-Que, two extremely popular “smart” toys manufactured by Los Angeles-based Genesis Toys, do not safeguard basic consumer (and …

Dailymotion urges users to reset passwords in wake of possible breach

Breach notification service LeakedSource has added information about over 87 million Dailymotion users to its search index. The information includes 87+ million email …

What will the data breach landscape look like in 2017?

While many companies have data breach preparedness on their radar, it takes constant vigilance to stay ahead of emerging threats and increasingly sophisticated cybercriminals, …

Business ideas
Five step approach to address data breaches, increase online trust

The Internet Society has released the findings from its 2016 Global Internet Report in which 59 percent of users admit they would likely not do business with a company which …

Consumers are still making basic security faux pas online

Security remains top of mind as over 70 per cent of consumers noted they always think about their security/privacy when shopping online, according to Centrify. Unfortunately, …

Michigan State University database with 400,000 student and staff records breached

Michigan State University has announced on Friday that a university server and a database containing information on some 400,000 faculty, staff and students has been accessed …

Fraudsters accessed Three UK customer database with authorised credentials

Three UK, a telecom and ISP operating in the United Kingdom, has suffered a data breach. According to Three’s status report on the investigation, the attackers were able …

8 million GitHub profiles scraped, data found leaking online

Technology recruitment site GeekedIn has scraped 8 million GitHub profiles and left the information exposed in an unsecured MongoDB database. The backup of the database was …

Firefox Focus
Firefox Focus: Private iOS browsing made easy

Mozilla has released Firefox Focus, an iOS app that lets you browse the Internet without having to worry who’s tracking your online activity. The app can be used …

While consumers remain complacent, hackers refine their skills

A new Norton Cyber Security Insights Report found that consumers who were victims of cybercrime within the past year often continued their unsafe behavior. For example, while …

Dangerous Android threat points to Italian spyware maker

A piece of Android spyware recently analyzed by researchers with the RedNaga Security team seemed to be yet another Hacking Team spying tool but, according to more recent …

Fake executive social media accounts threaten enterprises

New research has uncovered numerous duplicative Twitter and LinkedIn accounts among Fortune 500 leaders, raising concerns about potential security vulnerabilities. Analysts at …

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