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Can employers demand access to your Facebook account?

Most people consider their Facebook profile and its contents private and sacrosanct, but sometimes companies don’t agree with this assessment. The latest instance of …

New types of cookies raise online privacy concerns

The advertising industry has led the drive for new, persistent and powerful cookies, with privacy-invasive features for marketing practices and profiling. The EU cyber …

Protected health information breach analysis

Redspin released an analysis of all protected health information breaches publicly recorded between August 2009 and the end of 2010, as per the interim final breach …

250,000 Facebook profiles harvested for setting up dating site

250,000 Facebook users have become the unwitting members of a “dating” site whose authors claim is a “work of art” and not set up to make money, but …

Fake Facebook Security page sending out phishing messages

Phishers have rolled out a new tactic to target Facebook users – they are misusing the name of legitimate Facebook Security page and sending out warnings about an …

500,000 stolen e-mail credentials for Waledac’s comeback

Almost a year ago, the Waledac botnet was crippled by a legal action initiated by Microsoft which resulted in the takedown of 273 Internet domains that were being used as …

Facebook bug allows user data theft via specially crafted websites

A proof-of-concept attack page that exploits a Facebook vulnerability to access a user’s private data has been devised by two students who shared the information with …

Private info on Facebook increasingly used in court

Making the content of your Facebook account private can thwart the social network’s plan to share as much information possible with advertisers, but may not keep out …

EFF exposes extensive FBI violations

In 2009, the Electronic Frontier Foundation filed a suit against a number of federal agencies that deal with intelligence gathering, requesting that they release documents and …

Who’s watching you? Online fears revealed

Despite lingering concerns about the U.S. economic recovery, Americans worry more about having their online privacy violated (25%) than declaring bankruptcy (23%) or losing …

Worrying increase in surveillance across Europe

A landmark EU-wide study of national privacy safeguards shows a decline in privacy protection across Europe and a steep increase in state surveillance over the lives of …

Android malware records and steals credit card numbers from phone conversations

We often blame users for failing to deny permissions required by malicious applications on Facebook or various mobile platforms, but the truth is that the list of permissions …

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