Health Net suffers massive data breach
Health Net is conducting an investigation into several server drives that are unaccounted for from its data center operation located in Rancho Cordova, Calif. This …
Etsy privacy blunder makes buyers’ purchases public
Etsy, the popular online market for small scale artisans and crafters, might be on the right track for a future privacy lawsuit following last week’s unveiling of its …
Former NSA and CIA Director advocates cyber threat transparency
The former NSA and CIA Director Gen. Michael Hayden could possibly be the last person you would expect to be advocating government transparency. However, his commentary in the …
Restrictive e-mail policies: Hidden security risks for business
IT departments are fighting a losing battle in seeking to constrain employees’ behavior through policy alone, according to Mimecast. Findings suggest that a new approach …
How can the author of an anonymous e-mail be identified?
When anonymous letters were written by hand, graphologists were called in to identify the likely author. In this day and age when most such mail is sent electronically, it may …
The privacy impact of electronic health records
While patients trust their doctors to protect their information, 49 percent believe that EHRs will have a negative impact on the privacy of their PHI and health data, …
Moldovan fraud ring mastermind arrested
A coordinated effort of the Irish gardai and custom officers has led to the arrest of a Moldovan man that is thought to be the leader of and mastermind behind an international …
Social media authenticity, privacy and security
Panda Security is providing guidance on ways to safely and securely integrate social media strategies into an SMB. Panda Security discovered that 78 percent use social …
Controversial social networking password policy updated
Maryland’s Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services has temporarily suspended the controversial policy that allowed its officials snoop around social …
Social networks: An information security game changer
The Internet has revolutionized business and significantly cut costs in nearly every sector. An in-person bank transaction that costs the enterprise US $15 is only pennies …
“Free Southwest Airlines tickets” Facebook scam
A new scam is targeting Facebook users and luring them in with promises of complimentary tickers from Southwest Airlines. But what makes this scam different and quite likely …
Cricket World Cup starts, scammers follow
The Cricket World Cup started on Saturday, and both the International Cricket Council and various security experts are issuing warnings to fans regarding likely cyber scams …