Lawyers appeal Twitter data handover decision in WikiLeaks case
Not satisfied with the court’s decision that it has to turn over account details of three of its users to the US Department of Justice, three Twitter users have filed a …
Protect the privacy of your Android phone
Privacy Blocker is an Android application that stops other installed applications from gathering your personal information. The software basically pinpoints the type of data …
How to wipe personal information off your mobile phone
People are unsuspectingly selling their personal information to complete strangers as a new report from CPP finds half (54%) of second hand mobile phones contain extensive …
TripAdvisor member database breached, part of it stolen
Just days after notified its customers of a breach that resulted in their email addresses being compromised and some of its users being targeted with malicious …
Initiative measures the harm of breached patient information
Healthcare organizations are struggling with two key concerns: how to protect patient information and how to better understand the financial harm caused when protected health … customers receiving malicious emails, Silverpop blamed
The notification and the warning that sent out to its customers following a breach of systems belonging to the company that handles part of its marketing …
Second hand phones contain extensive personal data
People are unsuspectingly selling their personal information to complete strangers as a new report from CPP finds half (54%) of second hand mobile phones contain extensive …
Most users unaware of smartphone security risks
Consumers are indifferent to the many serious security risks associated with the storage and transmission of sensitive personal data on iPhone, Blackberry and Android devices, …
Tips to keep information secure when filing taxes online
As the IRS tax filing deadline quickly approaches, Identity Finder released tips to help individuals protect private and personally identifiable information. The IRS reports …
Five security secrets your IT administrators don’t want you to know
As valued members of your organization, IT administrators work every day to keep your infrastructure up and available. But in today’s rush to contain operational costs, …
A closer look at MacKeeper
MacKeeper (v1.0.3.) is a comprehensive bundle of various system utilities that will help you keep your Mac secure from malware; find it if it gets stolen; backup, restore, …
Etsy privacy changes leave a lot to be desired
The Internet was all abuzz yesterday about Etsy’s privacy snafu that made its buyer’s full names and purchase histories available for everyone to see. Anyone who …