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Google still grabbing more than just Wi-Fi devices’ MAC address?

Google is in for another privacy dispute, as it seems that its Street View cars have not been collecting only hardware IDs of detected Wi-Fi devices, but also the MAC …

22% in US admit to potential abuse of private data

22% of US, 29% of Australian and 48% of British employees who have access to their employer’s or client’s private data, would feel comfortable doing something with …

Power to the people: Securing consumerized devices

The consumerization genie is out of the bottle. Employees are increasingly using consumer-focused websites and apps such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn for work-related …

An anonymous social network in the making?

Spurred by blocked accounts of Anonymous members and activists on various popular social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and (recently) Google+, a group apparently loosely …

Verizon takes on issue of stolen credentials

Unauthorized access to corporate networks through stolen user names and passwords topped 45 percent in 2010, making credentials the second most compromised data type, …

Law enforcement supports new U.S. data retention bill

A new proposal for a U.S. federal law that would compel ISPs to retain logs regarding their customers for 18 months is currently being discussed in the House of …

Credit card numbers stolen in Kiplinger breach

Kiplinger Washington Editors – the publisher of well-known business and economic publications such as the The Kiplinger Letter and the Kiplinger’s Personal Finance …

Travelers left 11,000 mobile devices at U.S. airports

Travelers left behind more than 11,000 laptops, tablet PCs, smartphones and USB sticks in airports in the United States during the past year. Credant was able to gather survey …

Why Dropbox’s security changes are going to improve cloud computing

On July 1, Dropbox announced a revision to its terms of service, privacy policy and security overview document. While the intention of the update was to make Dropbox’s …

Anonymous releases 90,000 military emails and passwords

Anonymous persists with its AntiSec campaign and the latest target to fall has been Booz Allen Hamilton, one of the biggest U.S. military contractors. According to the …

140,000 children could be identity fraud victims

For most people, the thought of their children being victims of identity fraud is even more chilling than being a victim themselves. While children are less at risk for …

U.S. to consider a new, secure Internet

While Iran thinks about instituting a national Internet in order to minimize the “poisoning” of Iranian minds with Western ideas and culture, the U.S. is toying …

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