180,000 Swedes at risk following password-hacking spree
Registered members of around 60 popular Swedish websites are in danger of having their stolen login credentials misused by cyber crooks in the wake of the biggest ever …
Personal info of 9 million Israelis stolen, available online
Personal information of some 9 million Israelis (alive and deceased) has been stolen by a contractor working for the country’s Ministry of Labor and Welfare with the …
Anonymous shuts down child porn sites, leaks usernames
Hacktivist group Anonymous has started a new campaign. Dubbed “Operation Darknet”, it aims to battle child pornography and ISPs that knowingly support and allow …
Consumers increasingly savvy about being online
Online consumers are increasingly savvy about being online, but many still do not employ all of the right tools to protect their privacy according to Anonymizer. While nearly …
Skype can be used to tie users to illegal download activity
A team of researchers has proved that it is possible to determine the IP address of a user and tie it with his Internet use, and even correlate this information to his …
Anonymous proxy for iPhone and iPad
NetShade makes your web presence anonymous by routing your connection through a proxy server. NetShade is a subscription service. With an account, you can use the five …
Divorce is less stressful than safeguarding confidential data
How are IT managers coping with today’s threat landscape? Are they properly protected against the latest data-stealing malware? And would employees report if they …
Twitter protects freedom of speech and privacy of users
When LulzSec member Sabu recently answered a lot of questions on an impromptu Q&A session on Reddit by posting the answers on his Twitter account, he was asked why he …
Beware of bogus Gmail Hacker software
Hacking into someone’s mail account can be easy if the person chose an easily guessable password, but could be nigh impossible to brute force it if it’s long and …
Simple online protection steps for seniors
Older Americans, who grew up in the era of rotary-dial phones and black and white TV programming, may still be in the minority among Internet users. They are a rapidly growing …
4 million identity fraud victims in the UK
Identity fraud continues to rise with 4 million victims in UK alone – yet consumers continue to be complacent with their identities. According to research commissioned …
How the German “Federal Trojan” was actually used
After the Chaos Computer Club hackers made public the results of their analysis of a few samples of the so-called “Federal Trojan” and found it capable of more …