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Anonymous proxy for iPhone and iPad

NetShade makes your web presence anonymous by routing your connection through a proxy server. NetShade is a subscription service. With an account, you can use the five …

Divorce is less stressful than safeguarding confidential data

How are IT managers coping with today’s threat landscape? Are they properly protected against the latest data-stealing malware? And would employees report if they …

Twitter protects freedom of speech and privacy of users

When LulzSec member Sabu recently answered a lot of questions on an impromptu Q&A session on Reddit by posting the answers on his Twitter account, he was asked why he …

Beware of bogus Gmail Hacker software

Hacking into someone’s mail account can be easy if the person chose an easily guessable password, but could be nigh impossible to brute force it if it’s long and …

Simple online protection steps for seniors

Older Americans, who grew up in the era of rotary-dial phones and black and white TV programming, may still be in the minority among Internet users. They are a rapidly growing …

4 million identity fraud victims in the UK

Identity fraud continues to rise with 4 million victims in UK alone – yet consumers continue to be complacent with their identities. According to research commissioned …

How the German “Federal Trojan” was actually used

After the Chaos Computer Club hackers made public the results of their analysis of a few samples of the so-called “Federal Trojan” and found it capable of more …

Government telecommunication-spying malware opens backdoor

The Chaos Computer Club claims that a government-made “lawful interception” Trojan has abilities that exceed those allowed by the nation’s legislature and …

Best practices for fighting credit card theft

3Delta Systems issued a set of business best practices for protecting customer credit card account information and minimizing corporate exposure to online payment scams. …

Anti-theft protection for Android and Windows devices

Norton Anti-Theft is a new Web-service that allows consumers to remotely lock, locate and recover a lost or stolen Windows based laptop, or Android smartphone or tablet. The …

Using online advertising to find out if your data is valuable to a criminal

As it becomes harder for criminals to steal and exploit credit card data, will they give up their carefully crafted tools and stock of zero-day vulnerabilities, or will they …

Law enforcement increasingly asking Internet companies to share data

The fact that one can find out a lot about a person’s interests, movements and opinions from their Facebook and Twitter accounts, Google searches and messages exchanged …

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