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EFF helps travelers defend their data privacy

Anytime you travel internationally, you risk a broad, invasive search of your laptop, phone, and other digital devices – including the copying of your data and seizing …

Visa probes into potential card processor security breach

Credit card company Visa has announced that it has been informed of a potential data security breach at a European payment processor and that it has mounted an investigation …

Biggest security threat for 2012? Privacy violations

Cyber-espionage, along with privacy violations and social networking attacks facilitated by the increased use of mobile and tablet devices, will be the source of increased …

Users go to extreme measures for Internet access

Seven out of 10 young employees frequently ignore IT policies, and one in four is a victim of identity theft before the age of 30, according to a global study from Cisco. The …

Carrier IQ bug did allow some SMS recording

Carrier IQ, the mobile analytics company that has lately been in the midst of a battle to prove that their CarrierIQ software didn’t log private information, has …

Yahoo! Mail now with second sign-in verification

More than a year after Google rolled out 2-factor authentication for its Gmail service, Yahoo! is finally beginning to add the option for its users. Owners of a Yahoo! Account …

Confidential data exposure in public spaces

While protecting data on computers is top of mind for everyone, most organizations are focused on conventional security technologies such as anti-virus software, personal …

Holiday travel is risky business for mobile devices

The holidays are a time for tropical getaways, traveling to Grandma’s house to see family and friends and one of the likeliest times a person will lose their mobile …

Card info of 1m Restaurant Depot customers stolen in breach

Customers of US foodservice wholesaler Restaurant Depot and “cash and carry” chain Jetro have begun receiving letters warning them about the possibility of their …

Personal info of US law enforcement agents published following hack

The official website ( of the Coalition of Law Enforcement and Retail has been attacked by a hacker that goes by the handle of “Exphin1ty” who claims …

The value of securing Internet enabled devices

From the hottest new tablet to sleek smartphones and laptops, electronic devices are likely to be at the top of many consumers’ Christmas wish lists this year. …

Telstra privacy blunder reveals account details of some 1m customers

Personal and account details of over one million customers of Australian telecom giant Telstra were accessible to any Internet user – and may have been taken advantage …

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