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Steganos Privacy Suite 14 released

The newly released Steganos Privacy Suite 14 is designed for individuals who want privacy protection for their data and Internet activities – including on their …

Banker pleads guilty to sharing personal information of account-holders

LeRoy Brown, a former personal banker from Washington, D.C., pled guilty to conspiracy to commit bank fraud for his role in an identity theft scheme involving $121,400 in …

CyanogenMod found logging Android unlock swipe gestures

CyanogenMod, one of the most popular modified Android firmware on the market, has been found containing code that logs the swipe gestures used by the users to unlock their …

Two analytics companies to settle charges for online user tracking

A web analytics company has agreed to settle Federal Trade Commission charges that it violated federal law by using its web-tracking software that collected personal data …

Microsoft legalizes collection of user info from its free services

In a move that has not been noted by the great majority of Microsoft users, the Redmond giant has changed its Services Agreement on Friday in order to legalize the collection …

Data security and privacy stopping cloud implementations

Data security, privacy, residency, and compliance issues continue to hinder cloud adoption, with 66 percent of organizations reporting at least one cloud project that has been …

Tips for protecting your privacy

Every month more than 5,000 people take to Twitter to complain about how their mobile device has been snooped on or their visual privacy invaded. Who can’t resist …

Most people want control of information collected by data brokers

As Congress examines how data brokers collect, aggregate and share consumers’ personal information, a new survey by TrustedID shows that most people are confused about …

Whonix: Anonymous operating system

Whonix is an anonymous general purpose operating system based on Virtual Box, Ubuntu GNU/Linux and Tor. By Whonix design, IP and DNS leaks are impossible. Not even malware …

Universal Man in the Browser attack targets all websites

Trusteer have discovered a new Man in the Browser (MitB) scam that does not target specific websites, but instead collects data submitted to all websites without the need for …

Fake Apple Store discount card leads to identity theft

Bogus discount card offers purportedly coming from Apple and offering to recipients to buy a AU$100 worth in store credit for the small sum of AU$9 have recently been …

Mozilla launches its privacy-friendly website login system

Remember Mozilla’s introduction of the BrowserID browser-based system for identifying and authenticating users? Well, the login system that was created a …

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