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McAfee mobile security app gets new privacy technology

McAfee released an enhanced version of McAfee Mobile Security featuring App Lock, an app privacy technology, as well as a completely refreshed user interface. The security …

Privacy protection tips

Every month more than 5,000 people take to Twitter to complain about how their mobile device has been snooped on or their visual privacy invaded. Who can’t resist …

Swiss spy agency insider steals terabytes of confidential data

As a good reminder that you should never discount the insider threat, the news that a disgruntled former employee of Nachrichtendienst des Bundes (NDB) – the Swiss …

Voting on Facebook privacy policy changes is open

As of Monday 12 p.m. PST, Facebook has opened the seven day period of voting for or against the proposed Data Use Policy and Statement of Rights and Responsibilities changes …

Facebook and Google+ are prime targets for easy attacks

The law created to protect children’s online privacy actually increases risk, according to new research from Polytechnic Institute of New York University (NYU-Poly). The …

Bogus Amazon account compromise notice leads to phishing

A phishing email impersonating Amazon is hitting users’ inboxes, trying to trick them into believing that various computers connected to their Amazon account and …

16 arrested for $25M worth credit card theft, fraud

Sixteen individuals allegedly involved in a credit card information theft ring have been arrested in Romania during a series of raids, the Romanian Directorate for …

Facebook users will vote on policy changes, possibly for the last time

When Facebook recently announced that it plans to change the way users can influence changes on its privacy policy, privacy advocates were not amused. The Electronic Privacy …

Shredded police documents showered down on Macy’s parade spectators

A Tufts University freshman made a troubling discovery while watching Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York: among the confetti that were being thrown around while …

Facebook wants to eliminate user voting on privacy changes

Facebook has announced some proposed updates to their Data Use Policy (how user data is collected and used) and their Statement of Rights and Responsibilities (explains the …

Cyber Monday safety tips

AVG Technologies announces five tips to help consumers ensure secure online shopping. Whether from desktops, laptops, tablets or smartphones, these tips help consumers make …

Imation releases PC on a Stick mobile workspace

Imation announced beta availability of its IronKey Workspace, certified for deployment of Windows To Go. The IronKey Workspace lets organisations outfit mobile professionals …

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