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Enterprise DIY data erasure

Kroll Ontrack launched Ontrack Eraser 4.0, an enterprise data eraser solution, complete with expanded drive wiping capacity, VMware eraser capabilities and new reporting and …

FISAA legalizes surveillance of EU citizens and their cloud data, claims study

When the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Amendments Act (FISAA) was extended for another 5 years thanks to a majority vote in the U.S. Senate late last year, there …

Check Point introduces ZoneAlarm 2013

Check Point introduced its new ZoneAlarm 2013 security product line, which is Windows 8 compatible and first to integrate a new Facebook Privacy Scan and “Do Not …

HTTPS for Yahoo! Mail is now available

Yahoo has finally decided to offer to the users of its popular Yahoo! Mail service the option of encrypting their entire webmail session by switching on the Secure Sockets …

Infographic: Is your device safe at CES?

The technology supershow known as CES is taking place in Las Vegas this week. Novell released an infographic that looks at mobile security and breaks down a number of figures …

California and Illinois ban employers from requesting personal passwords

When Maryland’s Division of Correction instituted a requirement for job applicants and employees undergoing recertification to hand over login credentials of their …

Phishing techniques, consequences and protection tips

In this interview, Rohyt Belani, CEO at PhishMe, illustrates the magnitude of the phishing threat. He discusses techniques, consequences and protection tips. What happens once …

Guidance on cybersecurity, private clouds and privacy

ISACA today issued guidance on managing three top trends posing major challenges to businesses in 2013: cybersecurity threats, private vs. public clouds and data privacy. …

Scarlett Johansson hacker gets 10 years in prison

36-year-old Florida resident Christopher Chaney has been sentenced to 10 years in prison and to pay $66,000 restitution for having hacked the email accounts of Scarlett …

Users still have a casual attitude regarding security

A Siber Systems survey of over 700 adults from the United States, the U.K., Germany and other countries shows a significant disconnect between how individuals perceive online …

Facebook changes privacy policies, scraps user voting

The voting period for the proposed changes to Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities and Data Use Policy has ended on Monday, and despite the email sent out …

Bogus hotel websites set up to push a variety of scams

As the end-of-the-year holidays slowly approach, cyber crooks are ramping up their various scammy campaigns. Among these is a relatively new but rather complex combination of …

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