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Identity theft protection tips

More than 11.6 million adults were victims of identity theft in 2011, according to Javelin Strategy & Research. Child identity theft is also a significant problem, which …

Privacy and security incident management for healthcare

A lost laptop or lost paper files can put a healthcare organization in a tailspin, especially if they contain the protected health information (PHI) of thousands of patients. …

Learn by doing: Phishing and other online tests

As a tech-savvy person in a family that mostly consists of low level Internet users – and especially because of my line of work – I’m often tasked with …

EU proposes to make data breach disclosure mandatory

The European Commission has today announced the launch of new proposals that include a requirement for EU member states to appoint an independent CERT and pivotally calls for …

U.S. Federal Reserve admits being breached by Anonymous

U.S. Federal Reserve confirmed the breach of one of its internal websites by the hands of Anonymous hackers, but denied that the file containing personal information of over …

The privacy cliff and how not to fall off it

We are all hearing the phrase “fiscal cliff” considerably more times than is useful. So far, however, nobody’s mentioned a “privacy cliff.” They …

FTC urges mobile platforms to consider offering Do Not Track

The explosive growth of mobile services allows consumers to do things that would have been hard to imagine only a few years ago, but at the same time, mobile technology raises …

The privacy implications of Facebook Graph Search

With a billion people sharing an assortment of personal information on a daily basis, Facebook holds the most significant amount of private information in today’s …

Document shredding: the why and the how

Tim McBride serves as the Vice President and General Manager of Secure Destruction Services for Recall North America. He is focused on driving improvements in safety, …

Social media has eroded workplace privacy

More than half of adults (53 percent) believe privacy in the workplace has been eroded with the proliferation of social media, reveals AVG. The seventh installment in …

How do you protect your phone and your data?

Given the risks we run in not securing our phones, you’d be forgiven for thinking it must be a task requiring a doctorate in computer science. In reality, however, …

Practical steps to minimize data privacy threats

Google comes across 9,500 new malicious websites each day and responds by sending notifications to webmasters. Nevertheless, these websites are just one of the many dangers …

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