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Twitter bug gives 3rd-party apps access to users’ Direct Messages

A Twitter bug allowed third-party applications to access Direct Messages of users who signed in to the apps by using their Twitter account, reported IOActive researcher Cesar …

Google searching for hardware alternatives to passwords

Passwords are on the way out, it seems. With current boom – and obvious success – of phishing, it’s time to see what could be a better alternative to this …

Fake game apps flood Google Play

Android users are once again in danger of getting their information collected and being hit by an unending stream of spam and unwelcome offers just because they searched for …

Why Facebook Graph Search will help cybercriminals

While Facebook’s newly announced graph search capability is awesome for people who like social networking, it also provides criminals with another source of information …

Bouncer kit perfect for laser-focused phishing campaigns

Researchers have unearthed a new type of phishing kit that allows crooks to target specific users and keep away others in order to keep the scheme hidden from knowing eyes and …

Aaron Swartz’s death triggers MIT investigation, website hack

The news that well-known Web activist and developer Aaron Swartz took his own life on Friday resounded across the Internet at an amazing speed during this past weekend. Many …

Data breaches erode trust in business

Recurring data breaches over the past five years have undermined public trust in the ability of both private firms and Government organisations to safeguard personal …

Enterprise DIY data erasure

Kroll Ontrack launched Ontrack Eraser 4.0, an enterprise data eraser solution, complete with expanded drive wiping capacity, VMware eraser capabilities and new reporting and …

FISAA legalizes surveillance of EU citizens and their cloud data, claims study

When the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Amendments Act (FISAA) was extended for another 5 years thanks to a majority vote in the U.S. Senate late last year, there …

Check Point introduces ZoneAlarm 2013

Check Point introduced its new ZoneAlarm 2013 security product line, which is Windows 8 compatible and first to integrate a new Facebook Privacy Scan and “Do Not …

HTTPS for Yahoo! Mail is now available

Yahoo has finally decided to offer to the users of its popular Yahoo! Mail service the option of encrypting their entire webmail session by switching on the Secure Sockets …

Infographic: Is your device safe at CES?

The technology supershow known as CES is taking place in Las Vegas this week. Novell released an infographic that looks at mobile security and breaks down a number of figures …

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