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The fight for users’ right to know what companies do with their data

CISPA‘s progress through the two houses of the U.S. Congress is and will be the major topic for discussion for privacy-minded individuals in the U.S. and around the …

The dangers of CISPA

The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) has been recently passed for the second time by the U.S. House of Representatives and is now headed to be voted on in …

108,000+ account details of Sims players leaked

NewSeaSims, a website where Sims players can download custom content for their characters, has suffered a breach which resulted in the compromise of registered users’ …

Research reveals damage that privacy breaches can cause

A global study of consumer attitudes towards company stewardship of personal data conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit shows that data breaches can cause major damage …

Pirate Party on data protection

In the video below, Christian Engstr?¶m, Pirate Party MEP, discusses data protection. A common regulation to cover all of Europe is one of the arguments presented by …

UnboundID unveils Privacy Suite

UnboundID released its Privacy Suite, a solution that brings transparency, choice, and control to the collection and on-going management of personal data, while authorizing …

Set your Google account to be deleted after you die

Google has rolled out an interesting feature: the Inactive Account Manager. Aimed at providing some peace of mind for privacy minded users that worry what will happen with …

Employees admit to accessing or stealing private company information

In a survey of 1,000 employers by LogRhythm, 80 percent do not believe any of their workers would view or steal confidential information, while three quarters (75 percent) …

BirdStep updates SafeMove mobile VPN solution

Birdstep Technology released SafeMove Mobile VPN 7.0 (MVPN), which introduces several features, including performance, manageability and user experience improvements. Windows …

Risks to retailers through point of sale systems

McAfee released a report on the growing risks the industry is facing with both legacy and newer point of sale systems (POS). The report discusses how the retailing … adds 2-factor authentication option

WordPress users can finally secure their account(s) with two step authentication. The optional feature has been rolled out on Friday and is accessible to all users. To set it …

iMessage encryption stumps US federal agents

A recent investigation conducted by US Drug Enforcement Administration agents has been temporarily derailed after they failed to decrypt messages the targets exchanged via …

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