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Hackers challenged to crack unhackable secure messaging app

Swiss-based U.K. firm Redact has launched a new app which, they claim, offers a completely secure way of exchanging encrypted messages from iPhone to iPhone and even the …

FBI wants to fine companies not complying with wiretap orders

The FBI is pushing for a new legislation aimed at pressuring tech companies to create ways for law enforcement officials to be able to wiretap popular communication channels …

Poor Skype account verification allows account hijacking

A security researcher and hacker that does by the online handle of TibitXimer claims that his Skype account has been hijacked six times in one day due to Skype’s poor …

How cybercriminals can target you on public networks

The widespread use of mobile communication, including cell phones, laptops and tablets, makes consumers particularly vulnerable to fraud and malware risks over public internet …

How secure is your confidential data?

It seems ages ago that companies were first warned about the danger of confidential information being found in trash bags in front of the office, yet despite the use of …

Info of 50M LivingSocial customers compromised following breach

LivingSocial, the company behind the eponymous deal-of-the-day website, has confirmed that its computer systems have been breached by attackers and that user information such …

CISPA is (practically) dead, says Senate representative

There’s finally some good news for CISPA opponents: according to a representative of the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, the Senate is …

U.S. government doesn’t need CISPA to monitor communications

Civil rights and privacy advocates are mobilizing their forces to combat the passing of Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA), but documents obtained by …

Travelers to Israel can get their emails searched on entry

Travelers who enter Israel via the international Ben-Gurion Airport, especially those who aren’t Israeli citizens, can be asked by Shin Bet (the country’s security …

Two-step authentication for Twitter accounts coming soon

The recent hacking of Associated Press’ Twitter account and the (luckily short-term) effect an explosive fake tweet had on the real-world has marked a turning point. …

Adults taking online password security risks

UK adults are risking their online security by using identical or easy to remember passwords on the websites they visit, new Ofcom research reveals. More than half (55%) of …

Hijacked AP Twitter account spreads fake news, fells Dow Jones

It took only seven minutes and a single shocking (but spurious) tweet and the Dow Jones industrial average dropped 143 points and briefly made some traders panic, Dan Goodin …

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