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Teens are into online sharing, but are also more privacy-aware

Teens are sharing more information about themselves on social media sites than they have in the past, but they are also taking a variety of technical and non-technical steps …

Microsoft decrypts Skype comms to detect malicious links

The issue addresses last week by The H and their associates at heise Security of whether or not Microsoft checks links contained in encrypted Skype chat sessions and their …

NYPD detective accused of hiring email hackers

Edwin Vargas, a detective with the New York City Police Department, has been arrested on Tuesday for computer hacking crimes. According to the complaint unsealed in Manhattan …

US DOJ accuses journalist of espionage

Last week’s revelation that the U.S. DOJ has successfully subpoenaed two months’ worth of telephone toll records for phones of AP journalist has created quite an …

Aurora attackers were looking for Google’s surveillance database

When in early 2010 Google shared with the public that they had been breached in what became known as the Aurora attacks, they said that the attackers got their hands on some …

U.S. Congress has questions about Google Glass and privacy

Members of the U.S. Congress’ Bi-Partisan Privacy Caucus have sent an open letter to Google CEO Larry Page, questioning the company’s privacy consideration when it …

Large cyber espionage emanating from India

Norman Shark uncovered a large and sophisticated cyber-attack infrastructure that appears to have originated from India. The attacks, conducted by private threat actors over a …

Ransomware adds password stealing to its arsenal

Slowly but surely, more and more users are becoming acquainted with the existence of ransomware and when faced with one, they opt not to pay the requested “fine” …

Thoughts on the need for anonymity

The other day I was reading a post on BoingBoing about Anonymous getting involved in publicizing the Steubenville and Halifax rape cases, and about a protest rally they …

The New Yorker launches anonymous dead-drop tool

Popular U.S. magazine The New Yorker has made available for its potential sources an anonymous dead-drop tool that allows them to send and receive messages and files to the …

Private messages of Bloomberg clients end up online

Mere days after Bloomberg News admitted that its journalists could access some client information via the company’s financial terminals, it has been revealed that the …

Is Microsoft reading your Skype communications?

The question of whether Skype – a Microsoft subsidiary since May 2011 – allows U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies to access the communications …

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